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Desc:Interview with Air Force pilot who chased the UFO in that recently declassified footage
Tags:Aliens, air force, ufo, alien
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Comment count is 14
Chicken the Did - 2020-04-30

Didn't watch video because Rogan.

This whole incident thing fascinates me because no real answer is comfortable. If you rule out some kind of mirage deal then you are left with a very remarkable machine remotely piloted. (Since being inside of something moving like that would turn your body into mush.) So if not mirage a state actor has a drone of some sort that can move at around Mach 20. Which is pretty 'holy fucking shit'. But honestly I think less 'Vulcans' and more the Chinese. Who have managed some kind of eye watering breakthrough maybe? I got nothing.

casualcollapse - 2020-04-30

If I recall this is ancient footage, that's why it's being declassified, so I doubt the Chinese had any sort of technology back then and that they would now as well.

casualcollapse - 2020-04-30

Fuck didn't mean to five-star this, I'm kind of sick of Rogan too

Chicken the Did - 2020-04-30

Let's consider is the thing really is from... Somewhere. This is playing out like that Discovery channel special with those three probes that visit a potentially habitable planet. One of them ends up getting clubbed to death by a humanoid as I recall. Anyways the gist is that long distance (interstellar) space travel is just not gonna happen for humans or anything analogous to humans. The good news is you can send a robot to gather all the data you need. Humans are capable of this now. It might take... A bit for the data to get back to you of course.

Makes me wonder if somewhere in the endless void there was a mission control room filled with whoops of delight upon discovering not only life but an -entire alien civilization-! Break out the Romulan ale, lads!

teethsalad - 2020-04-30

i don't like him either but the interview was interesting

Lef - 2020-04-30

I'm not sick of Rogan, he's the new Oprah.

Ain't no aliens, cus ain't no space, cuz ain't no globe!

SolRo - 2020-04-30

Oprah may occasionally promote stupid people but not outright conspiracy theories

Lef - 2020-04-30

Solro, hold my beer


4chan trolled Oprah pretty good with the over 9000 meme.

Oprah wraps her nonsense up with top notch feel good fluff and with a multi-billion dollar empire to gloss it until it shines. Rogan is just a guy with chimp brain version of Oprah, with zero polish. And Rogan takes himself a lot less seriously that Oprah ever did.

SolRo - 2020-04-30

Again, Oprah still doesn’t constantly promote patently disproven conspiracy theories.

Old_Zircon - 2020-05-01

I literally struggled to choose an overview of all the destructive bullshit Oprah has pushed and continues to push, because there's SO MUCH out there and so much as been said about it. This seems like a decent primer:

https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2018/1/9/16868216/oprah -winfrey-pseudoscience

She is directly responsible for Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil becoming public figures. She has a pattern of platforming anti-vax supporters.

Here's a good rundown of specifically how she has harmed medicine in the USA:

https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/the-oprah-fication-of-medicin e/

Honestly, I think the Rogan/Oprah comparison is pretty dead on (except Oprah would never platform a leftist, so points to Rogan for occasionally doing that).

Arcturus - 2020-04-30


https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15904153-ufos-and-governme nt


Rosebeekee - 2020-04-30

Rogan does have on decent people every now and then. If I thought it had a chance of getting out of the hopper, I’d submit the clip where he had a palaeontologist on and showed him a YouTube video of a guy claiming dinosaurs didn’t exist and are a conspiracy of Big Paleo. It’s a good 40 minutes of anger and knowledge.

Also recommend his interviews with Leah Remini, Steve-O, all the Ms. Pat ones. The Daryl Davis one is the best though.

Binro the Heretic - 2020-05-01

To me, Joe Rogan was the actor who played the second least interesting character on "News Radio."

Until he became the meathead asshole who screamed at attractive young women while they tried to eat boiled horse rectums to win money on "Fear Factor."

He'll pretty much always be that guy to me.

Gunny McRifleson - 2020-05-03

Exactly, he was the biggest asshole on Newsradio, a show with ANDY DICK.

His standup comedy is exactly what you'd expect from the "funniest" guy in his dojo.

He currently cosplaying as a 1:1.2 scale model of Dana White.

He is the poster child for not trying marijuana in your 40s.

Oh God, he ruined the MAN SHOW! How is that possible?!

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