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Comment count is 14
Binro the Heretic - 2020-05-02

People like Jones think savagery is a survival skill but humanity only made it this far because of our ability to cooperate and get along.

All these assholes think they'll outlast the apocalypse holed up in their little bunkers with their canned & freeze-dried food, shooting anyone who gets close. That will work for a little while, but the only way humanity as a species will survive is if you have people working together to rebuild society.

And pop culture isn't helping. It really does push the idea that every human being is an island unto themselves and if you rely on others, you are somehow weak and a genetic defect.

The Algonquin peoples created the myth of Wendigo to frighten people away from reverting to savagery in desperate times. Wendigo isn't a giant deer-headed zombie. It's an evil force/entity that takes hold of otherwise good normal people in a crisis. It leads them first to hoard supplies rather than share. Then it causes insatiable hunger leading them to eat up all their supplies so others can't get them. Then it leads to literally eating their neighbors.

So Alex Jones and all these prepper fuckers are basically one missed meal away from being gripped by Wendigo is what I'm saying.

Born in the RSR - 2020-05-02

Fuck me man, I was ready to do some ass-eating jokes but your comment is great.

Have my stars.

themilkshark - 2020-05-02

Binro is the hero we don't deseeve

Stopheles - 2020-05-02

For Binro.

Also for the fact that a small portion of Jones' followers on social media are soon to start defending cannibalism.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2020-05-03

For Binro

BiggerJ - 2020-05-03

To summary: the Wendigo is cancer, doomsday prepping is a throbbing external tumor, and don’t-need-no-help culture is a golf-ball-sized brain tumor society doesn’t even know it has.

Hazelnut - 2020-05-03

Funny how unfit these 'survival of the fittest' people tend to be. You see the same thing in that horrifying Sacramento protest.

Can you imagine Alex Jones trying to cannibalize you in some post-apoc scenario? You could escape him with a light jog, or just tip him over.

Old_Zircon - 2020-05-02

"My superpower is being honest"

SolRo - 2020-05-02

1 sentence, 2 delusions.

exy - 2020-05-02

Ole AJ has really hit it out of the park with this one.

Two Jar Slave - 2020-05-03

Oh Alex, you can never upset me again. How could I be mad at you? Watching you squirm, sweat, and stammer your way through that three-hour Sandy Hook deposition was one of the highlights of my 2019.

crasspm - 2020-05-03

fyi looks like poopgirl is getting in on the action: https://twitter.com/KaitMarieox/ status/1256381680585265153?s=20

Marlon Brawndo - 2020-05-04

He wants to eat some ass.

SolRo - 2020-05-04

Nah, he wants his daughters to always have ass to eat.

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