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Comment count is 9
Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2020-06-02

I like 'em chunky, but I've got limits, too.

TeenerTot - 2020-06-02

Is there a "Venus Willendorf" tag?

Nominal - 2020-06-02

She's been receiving visions to visit Devil's Tower.

Gmork - 2020-06-02


fuck yourselves to death

Pillager - 2020-06-02

It's Ok, dude. All us chubby chasers will still pound your slam pig of a mother.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2020-06-02

Gmork theres fat, and theres this.. This level of fat is fuckin' crazy. Its freak-show levels. freakshows arent exactly high brow entertainment, but you must understand the base appeal they have to humans.

Nominal - 2020-06-03

If only we could ignore her like a preschool shooting victim.

You fucking gun nut.

Slumgullion - 2020-06-02

what, no party hat? two stars

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-06-03

She cute, but those skinny ankles are kind of a turn off.

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