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Comment count is 8
Jimmy Labatt - 2007-06-11

Rocky is about HOPE!

I'm getting hard now

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-07-08

No, he's saying "Gonna Fly Now."

Killer Joe - 2007-06-11

Everyone loves montages. As long as it's Rocky.

Hooker - 2007-06-11

Nigga _totally_ stole his bike.

jmags - 2007-06-11

It's a shame that Stalone has ruined everything good that he ever did, but the shot of the train at the beginning of this clip is not to be argued with.

Feyd - 2007-06-11

Wow, Italian Market to Fairmount Park. I know I'm impressed. From Penn's Landing to the Art Museum. Oooh.

robotkarateman - 2008-02-17

I never really paid attention to this montage but running from South Street, out to the Schuylkill, down Market to Penn's Landing, up Spring Garden, And then out Ben Franklin Parkway is, at least according to Gmap Pedometer, an impressive 8.5 mile run. My fat ass can't even make it up four flights of stairs without stopping for a Twix break.

Flux - 2008-04-23

yeah that's a really long run for a boxer

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