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Comment count is 5
hornung - 2007-06-11

back in 1990, lil' hornung used to spaz out to this song at the high school dance just so he could make sure he was close to sarah t. then if he was lucky he'd still be next to her when "in your eyes" got played, and then he'd get to slow dance with her too.

Aubrey McFate - 2007-06-11

I've loved this song since at least age 13. I think it's about god somehow.

Nick C. - 2007-06-11

One of my favorite songs ever. It's not about God, it's just a basic love song. "The words that I can't say" are "I love you".

Nick C. - 2007-06-11

Never liked this version (the radio edit) very much, though. The only real version is the full 12" mix on Substance (and the original single, obviously).

happy_ending - 2007-06-11

Yeah, I always thought the "Bizarre Love Triangle" is between him, the person he's with and himself.

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