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Comment count is 18
jangbones - 2020-06-18

I was reading up on this kook last night, her name is Deborah Baber and she has a long history of local batshittery.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2020-06-18

The singing wasn't as bad as it could have been.

Also, what the hell world are we living in.

Accidie - 2020-06-19

She made her presentation into a children's book it looks like

exy - 2020-06-19

And people say politics is boring

The Mothership - 2020-06-19

Wait, not Santa Cruz?

5 stars anyway.

exy - 2020-06-19

chu talkin, we're compliant over here! at least up in the mtns

The Mothership - 2020-06-24

Complaint as all hell! Folks from outside the county be banned and shit. My wife and kids like Natural Bridges, but won't go there because they're afraid to be cited for being 'out of towners'. Santa Cruz is getting a really bad reputation for their stronger than strong interpretation of the state regulations.

Nominal - 2020-06-19

Craziest town meeting since this lady.


Nominal - 2020-06-19

5 for the continuing Republican death cultists calling face masks TYRANNY while howling to declare martial law and cheering on the gunning down of protestors.

Chickenshit Tucker Carlson just had a segment "Coronavirus exposes political hypocrisies" because liberals are the REAL authoritarians for thinking basic public health precautions during a pandemic are a good idea. Masks are the most Stalinist thing since the last fifty things Fox News told them are JUST LIKE STALIN!

SolRo - 2020-06-19

Nice thing is that coronavirus can shut these loudmouths up after it destroys their lungs.

Hard to shout stupidity when you can barely breathe.

Binro the Heretic - 2020-06-19

This is basically a tantrum old White conservatives are having.

They were so used to being the ones who called the shots for so long that not being in total control has broken their brains.

This is pretty much, "I demand you do what I say because I said it!" on a national scale. Does what they say make sense? No. But they said do it and if you don't, it triggers their rage.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-06-19

If you love insanity, city council meetings are America's greatest resource.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-06-19

Comments are turned off. WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF, SEX SLAVES?

cognitivedissonance - 2020-06-19

Imagine what her van looks like.

Anaxagoras - 2020-06-19

My God I'm getting tired of these idiots.

Say what you will about National Socialism, at least it silenced many types of dumbshits. Of course, it also came with the downside of amplifying other dumbasses. (Also, there was that whole "holocaust" thing, and the militarism, and the paranoia, and the....)

SolRo - 2020-06-19

...hugo boss uniforms?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-06-21

>>>Say what you will about National Socialism,

Right here is where you should have reconsidered.

Please think of me as a friend. I think of you as a decent guy, who's been kind to me in the past, with a good solid moral compass, but this post would have been better not made. You struggle admirably to recover, but where you wind up is roughly the moral equivalent of "there were good people on both sides". Next time you find yourself starting a sentence with "Say what you will about National Socialism..." Please consider that there may be a better way to make your point.

The worst part is, no, they pretty much WERE this type.of dumbshits.

Anaxagoras - 2020-06-21


My post was based off a meme (sort of) that originated with the John Goodman character from Big Lebowski. The meme is "Say what you will about National Socialism", < insert incredibly stupid observation about the nazis that's either banal or flat-out incorrect. >

That's the meme. In this case, I went with "banal". The nazis did, in fact, silence plenty of dumbasses... at the cost of putting their own kind of dumbass in charge.

The fact that I had to tediously explain my own joke kinda sorta suggests the joke sucked.

But yeah... there wasn't any "both-sidesing" the issue. Just a poorly told joke.

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