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Comment count is 7
SolRo - 2020-06-20

And the universe will reset once a dwarf starts playing Human Fortress

Meerkat - 2020-06-21

I still play this fucken thing and it's gotten to the point where if you don't spend your entire session catering to the Dwarf whims they start throwing tantrums.

Like seriously you can't even have a military because they might kill a goblin and traumatise your poor bleeding heart liberal dwarfs into insanity.

exy - 2020-06-22

One of the most frustrating things about the game is the author's reticence to address real gameplay killers while he's ejaculating new modules to enrich the world. I haven't played the most recent version, because I'm waiting to finish one last project in my current fort before I go unleash the candy on myself (and then it will have done EVERYTHING). The bugs that irk me the most right now:

* dwarf gets rained on once? doomed to utter depression within a couple years. (I think this MIGHT have been improved by now.)

* stockpile ammo within containers? look forward to lots of errors as dwarfs try to claim ammo stacks from the same container. and hooray for armor stands and weapons racks being useless.

* I'd also looooove it if the vanilla game gave you a way to list dwarfs sorted by some particular skill's level, but that's not a bug, that's just one of the 10,000 shitty things about the interface.

Anyway. Whatever. This warty-ass game is genius. I sunk years into a dynamically-generated RPG that never really got off the ground, so a lot of what they're doing with this game is dear to my heart. It's so impressively complex.

I'd bet anyone a hundred bucks the code for this stuff is pure, Lovecraftian spaghetti.

jfcaron_ca - 2020-06-21

I played a little bit of this game but decided it was too fiddly. I played enough that I can watch the Kruggsmash videos and sort of understand the details. That said some of Kruggsmash's idiosyncrasies in speaking annoy me.

I like the creator guy. I usually trust people who close their eyes to answer complicated questions.

exy - 2020-06-22

You're supposed to start with CapnDuck vids. Kruggsmash is for after you're a hopeless case.

Nominal - 2022-04-12

Dwarf Fortress: the granddaddy of the "games that are more fun to hear stories about than to actually play" genre.

ashtar. - 2023-02-14

My wife euthanized his cat. (kinda, she was working there)

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