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Comment count is 7
garcet71283 - 2020-06-30

Made it a minute.

Yiff in hell.

Gmork - 2020-07-01

I still don't know what femboy hooters is. Five stars.

Boomer The Dog - 2020-07-01

Not me. That's not just a Furry, that's Glitch!

I watched it all and still don't know what Femboy Hooters OR Tomboy Outback is, just silly furry stuff.


Gmork - 2020-07-01

Hey boomer did you know you appear in Far Cry 5 as a dog companion?

Does your dog form look anything like the far cry 5 boomer? I feel like they must have been directly referencing you.

You're my favorite companion 💗

And they have a bear named a cheeseburger.

Gmork - 2020-07-01

'Cheeseburger', no 'A'

Boomer The Dog - 2020-07-02

I heard from an acquaintance about Far Cry's Boomer, and he's a Border Collie, so a Sheepdog, where I'm a Pyrenean Shepherd, smaller and scruffy, shaggy fur all over.

Cheeseburger sounds cool, I tend to like bears also as a secondary animal, so that gives me something to look up! Thanks!

I'm just glad that this site is back to normal now, whatever happened to it.


Boomer The Dog - 2020-07-02

Came back from reading Cheeseburger's bio, he's raised by humans, and has diabetes. He's domesticated, and I guess that's what the collars mean on Cheeseburger and Boomer.

I like how he can be petted, and if you die, he can bring you back to life with a sloppy bear lick to the face!

I saw Boomer again, and he's a scraggly looking Collie with a left ear longer than the right. Cheeseburger too, his looks aren't ideal, the don't have symmetrical features. I think that's a good thing in artwork, lots of animal art tends toward the ideal.

Thanks for letting me know about Cheeseburger the Grizzly!

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