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Comment count is 5
Nick C. - 2007-06-11

Best Rumble ever, just for Heenan's commentary. Piper dumps some guys: "OH, THANK YOU RODDY, IT'S NOT A SKIRT, IT'S A KILT!" Piper goes after Flair: "IT'S NOT A KILT, IT'S A SKIRT!"

Stopheles - 2007-06-11

Agreed. It's the only Royal Rumble that really serves as its own self-contained narrative, and Heenan is in absolute peak performance. And Flair's pretty close to his absolute best, too.

HURF BLURF DUH - 2007-06-11

WOW if you close your eyes, Flair sounds like a 1000% dead ringer for Bill Walton. Also: He's like a white-hot sun radiating pure cocaine. Also also: "Ric Flair, you have made world - PUT THAT CIGARETTE OUT!"

Evilhead - 2007-06-12

6th star for the subtlety and humility tag.

athodyd - 2007-06-16

What an oddly sedated "wooo." Why the anger at cigarettes though?

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