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Comment count is 9
Old_Zircon - 2020-08-14

I just checked and Texas had its biggest spike in daily cases, by a large margin, exactly 14 days after this video was uploaded.

exy - 2020-08-14

maybe the ABJRA will revise its guidelines for when the virus is still raging during 2021's event

garcet71283 - 2020-08-15

Can we stop being jaded for one moment and just admit this looks like a lot of fun?

Old_Zircon - 2020-08-15

Of course it looks fun but the big festival crowd isn't my style even when it isn't full of confederates.

This is more my speed:


casualcollapse - 2020-08-16

Where were those spikes, there been a fair bit of protests in many cities here.

SolRo - 2020-08-16


not sure how fun or not fun it relevant to the point of "STOP SPREADING DISEASE YOU FUCKING IDIOTS"

Old_Zircon - 2020-08-17

Pretty sure there were a lot of protests before the 4th of July weekend and after the 4th of July weekend, and yet the biggest local and national spikes so far happened in the third week after 4th of July weekend. Correlation isn't causation but that's a pretty strong correlation.

The Mothership - 2020-08-15

All of my stars are for the TKO at the end. Nice one, OZ.

glasseye - 2020-08-15

Needs the "plague rats" tag

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