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Comment count is 7
Hazelnut - 2020-10-02

I'm not going to say Trump deserves covid per se, but if there is any human being on the entire planet who does, it's him. Millions of Americans sickened, hundreds of thousands dead, because he tried to play it down for his own reelection.

Can't guess how the newest October surprise will affect the election though. At the most extreme if he's dead in two weeks then it's last minute Biden vs Pence -- I think the battle lines would be much the same as before. I just pray they don't try to make a martyr out of the shit.

Meerkat - 2020-10-02

Best case he dies. Worst case he gets a mild version and uses it as "proof" that he was right all along after infecting Biden.

Anaxagoras - 2020-10-02

I've seen several people say something similar to "I wouldn't wish Covid on Donald" or "I hope he has a speedy recovery." Why? Fuck that guy. Him dying of Covid seems like perfect karmic justice to me. Donald dying of the very thing that he consigned hundreds of thousands of Americans to die of seems like an ideal outcome to me.

exy - 2020-10-02

If it's suffering for Donnie that you're after, then dying of Covid is letting him off way too easily. Imagine the malignant narcissist's feelings if he were ever, you know, held to account somehow, and forced to realize how deeply unpopular he is with everyone outside of Y'all Qaeda.

On the other hand, it's such a longshot that he'd ever truly suffer (in prison or whatever), that I can see how death is a front-runner on the schadenfreude ticket.

Meerkat - 2020-10-02

I'm not even in it for the Schadenfreude. For me it's purely pragmatic -- if he gets over it and crows about how it was no worse than the flu and how he was right all along, more fucking idiots are going to run around getting infected, refusing to wear masks, holding covid parties and spreading this shit around.

If he dies, maybe -- just maybe -- some of the idiots will wise up and start taking this thing seriously. Maybe America will be able to get past the political masks are for wussies bullshit and start arresting the spread. It's a pretty slim hope I admit, but maybe some lives will be saved.

The needs of the many and so on.

Old_Zircon - 2020-10-02

Not sure what you're thanking me for because I haven't even watched this clip yet myself, MR is kind of tedious when it doesn't have Sam or Michael.

But still gets some stars.

casualcollapse - 2020-10-03

For your post stating that you don't watch people unless they are alive, something I treated myself to Friday around noon, very good, so again thank you

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