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Desc:not a psych major so i dunno why it's on my brain today, but i'm submitting this full-on dupe anyway
Category:Humor, Classic TV Clips
Tags:food, The Shining, key and peele, bad wigs, aggressive dupes
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Comment count is 11
The Mothership - 2020-11-06

What, no The Shining tag?

exy - 2020-11-06

I replaced my "no spoilers in tags" tag with a "The Shining" tag, will that do?

happy 2020!

The Mothership - 2020-11-06

This pleases me and I give you my stars.

ashtar. - 2020-11-06

The best part of a continental breakfast is cream cheese on a nice toasted Hegel.

ashtar. - 2020-11-06

This is of course disputed by Friedeggerians.

SolRo - 2020-11-06

‘Only water and unripened honeydew chunks until the perfect bagel is put on my plate!’

Nominal - 2020-11-06

Not one of their better ones. Making fun of shitty continental breakfasts is already low hanging fruit and the skit feels like a lazy bunt on top of that.

Watching any kind of open air buffet footage in COVID times is cringey, but doubly so because there's STILL PEOPLE HANDLING FOOD LIKE THAT. To this day, I still see people in the grocery store insisting on squeezing every single piece of fruit to find the perfect one.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-11-06

The last time I had a complementary continental breakfast, I enjoyed it very much, and that's why I thought this was really funny.

casualcollapse - 2020-11-08

What was your favorite part?

simon666 - 2020-11-09

I was in Pittsburgh about a year ago. Had a continental breakfast. Garbage. The bagels were sweet. Who does that?

exy - 2020-11-10

Murca! does.

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