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Comment count is 15
baleen - 2007-06-23

Evil people having evil cast upon them is a wonderful thing, but I must give her mad props for her Oriental Fortune Cookie Super Ho Snapback. That was pretty solid.

mr666 - 2007-06-23

Good god she was ugly. How did she wind up on what I'm assuming was a dating show?

Spit Spingola - 2007-06-23

Jesus christ, this is awful. I have no idea how to quantify it in stars.

Billy Buttsex - 2007-06-23

By giving it a 5, mr spingola. This is 5 star material.

coprolalia - 2007-06-23

The moment when she falls out the bus is great, but the rest is like letting MTV piss in your eyes.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-01-30

don't forget ears

HURF BLURF DUH - 2007-06-23

"I can't believe I fell and busted my ass and he didn't even give me a chance." You're so right, honey, I mean, you're fat, ugly, ignorant, AND clumsy? What's not to like?

Mike Tyson?! - 2007-06-24

Damn, that's one ugly-ass bitch.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-06-24

Tha's right! You betta recanize!

Frank Rizzo - 2007-06-24

auto 5 for calling her biggie smalls.


kingarthur - 2007-06-24

...incoherent rapping psychosis begins...
"Um, I said NEXT! HELP!"

Also, "nexted" is not a word, fattie.

Kingofthehobos - 2007-06-28

I cant decide if shes really cute or really ugly

Camonk - 2007-08-06

Her voices is like a midget's. But she's not a midget. The confusion that causes loses this thing one star.

klingerbgoode - 2008-01-30

what the hell did i just watch

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-04-17

Only horrible people want to be on TV.

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