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Comment count is 9
duck&cover - 2020-11-15

This cartoon was progressive for its day, with a Black woman as team leader.

Mother Lumper - 2020-11-15

Lou Scheimer was involved so no wonder. Filmation was reportedly a very positive place to work at for gay people.

Nominal - 2020-11-15

Also doing the "pointless and annoying alien/robot mascot sidekick" thing prior to the 80s.

Hazelnut - 2020-11-15

This is so hypnotic, fell asleep to it. The incidental music, the voices. The way the lips move when they talk but not their chins.

Astrea is fucking hot. Also clearly the smart one. Gotta love her expression at 3:00 - 3:03.

Nominal - 2020-11-15

Not knowing that this existed, I was riding the line throughout wondering if it was real or a low key parody.

SolRo - 2020-11-15

I couldn’t decide if the animation was too good for the time or too bad for a modern parody

Nominal - 2020-11-16

The animation is good enough for higher end 80s or later

BUT the aesthetic seems like it's from 60s Hanna-Barbera

BUT the fashion seems like it's 70s

BUT the robot sidekicks screams 80s

BUT the way it all congeals together seems like a recent parody of all the previous.

Chicken the Did - 2020-11-15

>Asian shows up
>Starts doing kung fu moves

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2020-11-15

There's a DVD set for this show, and one of the extras is a run-through for a Young Sentinels live-action pilot. Evan C. Kim, who plays Mercury, does martial arts there.

I think with this show it's a cross between working the actor's interests into the product, and "he's fast, he's Asian, you KNOW he does Bruce Lee shit".

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