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Comment count is 14
Frank Rizzo - 2007-06-17

HOLY FUCK!!!! thank you for this.

+million virtual stars.

Frank Rizzo - 2007-06-17


Jimmy Labatt - 2007-06-17

Joaquin Phoenix did a better job than any of us could've hoped for, but the original still crushes it

Frank Rizzo - 2007-06-17

no argument from me, but thats the best clip in the whole video as far as im concerned.

simon666 - 2007-06-17

the original: all white inmates. the film: cornucopia of races

Frank Rizzo - 2007-06-18

I see like 4 black people OOOO A CORNOCOPIALOLGOGGLES!!!

Twitch - 2008-09-26

Black people weren't even allowed to be arrested until 1978; until then they were largely left to themselves and given rather free reign of vast portions of the Americas. It wasn't until Bush was elected that racism began.

happy_ending - 2007-06-17

Thank you.

baleen - 2007-06-18

Simon, weren't you the guy that thought that Captain Sensible video was racist because the song was similar to Rapper's Delight?

asian hick - 2007-06-19

What an incredible showman.

Camonk - 2008-03-12

That guard was a real good sport.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-06-08

The Man In Black.

Also, Jail Water sucks. It's nasty.

Keefu - 2008-09-21

Its become cool to sneer at people who like Johnny Cash since hes every hipsters token country artist basically, but god, he is awesome.

The Caffeine Kid - 2008-12-17

My hat's off to you, Johnny.

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