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Comment count is 7
themilkshark - 2021-01-03

4 syllables is a lot

jfcaron_ca - 2021-01-03

I used to like Fruitopia when it was new, and it's the product that introduced me to the idea that like 99% of our food/foodesque products come from only 3-4 companies. Young me was genuinely surprised it was a Coca-Cola product. Having been shown that "Cola Wars" documentary/propaganda in school, I fortunately already hated soft drink companies.

The Mothership - 2021-01-04

Yeah, this right here. Loved me some of that faux hippie fruit juice, though.

Cena_mark - 2021-01-05

Only drank it at school. The vending machines only sold fruitopia and powerade as I guess the school administrators thought those weren't as bad for you as soda.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-01-04

Five BiG stars, for getting me to finally check out Kate Bush! Turns out that was long overdue.

Robin Kestrel - 2021-01-05

I was a Boku man myself.

Snapple Elements were the best, and had the coolest bottles.

Violet Intents - 2021-01-05

Snapple Elements were legit better than regular Snapple in almost evey way. I think they had a Dragon fruit flavor that was like crack to me.

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