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Comment count is 12
Hazelnut - 2021-01-06

Thanks for Voting! You Tipped The Scales! Visit The Video's Full Page!

Cena_mark - 2021-01-06

Take all my stars, and ghost stars, *****.

exy - 2021-01-06

and more ghost stars from me; not often this life shows you meta-poetv humor

I'd been allowing myself a fair-sized slice of hope that GA would roll this way, so I'll serve myself up another slice in the hope that it sticks. Now if we can just get thru the next 24 hours and the 2 weeks after those, I'll be ready for some good, old-fashioned, slow-motion political disappointments. It'll probably take a year for that to lose its novelty.

simon666 - 2021-01-06

We'll get a competent covid inoculation program, at least 2k in stimulus checks, and probably the John Lewis Voting Rights Act passed and Justice Breyer replaced on SCOTUS in fairly short order. I think you probably also get a huge infrastructure project with some union protections/guarantees in it, a redo of the census, and DC statehood.

The Mothership - 2021-01-06

Nice work.

exy - 2021-01-07

simon, we got a couple weeks to go, son

simon666 - 2021-01-07

I agree, exy, but eye on the prize.

Nominal - 2021-01-06

Thank fucking god.

Now here's hoping repugnantcans don't "find" more votes.

Nominal - 2021-01-06

Well now the cult is smashing down doors and streaming into the capitol building. Electoral counting halted and senators relocated.

These are the same "law & order" brownshirts who thought protestors should be gunned down and martial law declared to protect federal monuments and courthouses, or for simply walking on a private sidewalk next to the McCloskeys' home.

simon666 - 2021-01-06

Doesn't matter. Still taking power Jan 20th. Now more reason and impetus to kill filibuster, make DC a state, and rule by power without politics. Going to get it done.

Nominal - 2022-01-06

So far.......


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-01-07

I don't get it.

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