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Comment count is 52
SolRo - 2021-01-29

As an essential worker in SoCal, stuck in an industry rife with republicans, I’m getting increasingly nihilistic but also questioning the wisdom of vaccinating retirees living on their own (just so some old people can go socialize again?) while frontline workers have to wait months longer for their turn.

Simillion - 2021-01-29

Here we go, moral collapse is coming just as was predicted.

Honestly, do you really want to just categorize everyone over 65 as "just some old people who want to socialize?" There are millions of employed >65 year olds who are critical in their place of work and to just continue to deny them, when their age is the one risk factor they can't reduce through a healthier lifestyle, and they have the biggest barriers to making major changes to reduce their risk.

Meanwhile, I have seen a whole year go by and the majority of people I know who have diabetes or other issues that are badly raising their risk of dying to COVID19 death still aren't doing jack shit about losing weight, eating healthier, and reversing a process that they had ample time to, instead they have become nihilistic shut-ins who just want to skip in line for a vaccine and throw out everyone >65 as old socialites.

The problem with categorizing and subcategorizing the population for vaccination is that it is too complicated and would involve a micromanaged vaccination effort. Vaccination should be done en masse, without worrying overly about who gets it by group, but rather just with enough care to discourage those with a history of anaphylaxis not to do it. The vaccines we have so far have rapidly proven their safety and their efficacy and we should be grateful, lining up en masse for shots without fussing about who gets it. The government should be pumping money (even more money) into mass production and mass administration without it being diverted to the hundreds of small healthcare agencies who all independently have to rework their system or get resources together to give vaccines. Vaccines can instead just be given at pharmacies, but they aren't. Mass injection sites work for some but not all, but a combo of pharmacies, mass sites and a few roving vaccination teams can cover 80-90% of the population willing to be vaccinated in a month. (But we utterly lack the supply to do this yet, this would all be contingent on supply also). The problem is definitely the approach, as well as the supply, though, that much has been said loud and clear across the country, especially in Cali where we have the worst vaccination rate prety much of the union.

Five stars for the lady who has good ideas of how to handle an under-addressed problem.

yogarfield - 2021-01-29

SolRo: "Should we really prioritize vaccinating 65+ retired people?"


Fuck's sake, learn to read.

Simillion - 2021-01-29

alright, let me spell this shit out for you retards

if you see other people outside of your family circle, you can spread the coronavirus.

anchoring onto who has a job, or who is essential... it's all pointless. Churchgoers, who will STILL GO TO CHURCH NO MATTER WHAT WE TELL THEM (duh) will spread the virus. RETIREES WILL SPREAD THE VIRUS AND DIE FROM IT! Fat fucks who worry about getting vaxxed first who see ANYONE outside of their family will die from it AND spread it -- and even some skinny fucks will die too from it! EVERYONE CAN DIE FROM IT AND ANYONE WHO SEES ANYONE CAN SPREAD IT.

It's fucking simple: just vaccinate everyone who WANTS it. Not everyone wants it -- 60% of the population wants the vaccine roughly, 40% don't, and there's strong expectations that by march over 100 million doses will be ready from Moderna alone, so it certainly seems like we will have adequate vaccinatgions to at least get a first dose into 60% of the population by the end of March -- JUST OFFER IT OPENLY TO ANYONE WHO WANTS IT.

Remove all questions of who is first, where do we target this first...those strategies will inevitably lead to moral outrage, delays in care, missed or wasted doses, as we have ALREADY SEEN, thank you very much CDC. One may even argue that if we had already had a simplified approach that we would be vaccinating at higher rates -- individual employers and others who feel their people are higher risk or more important can just give their people the off time they need to wait in line and get it done.

jfcaron_ca - 2021-01-29

You can't avoid the prioritization problem by saying "everyone should get it". Yeah everyone should get it *eventually* but we can't do that right now because the supply is less than the demand, so we have to pick who gets it *first*.

Oh wait, you can avoid making that choice yourself and letting other factors decide like: wealth, time off work, mobility, ability to negotiate bureaucracy, etc.

We have to deliberately decide who gets it first otherwise you're absconding responsibility. Vaccinating the people who are most likely to be exposed (i.e. frontline workers, homeless people, people in prisons) first makes sense. So does vaccinating those who are most likely to die if they do catch the virus (elderly, immunocompromised).

Hazelnut - 2021-01-29

Poetv begins to notice a few things about SolRo

Adjuvant - 2021-01-29

Prioritizing the elderly and healthcare workers makes good sense. Those over 65 are not the most likely to get COVID (other than the very beginning of the pandemic, 20-30 year olds have been by far the most likely to be infected), but the thing to remember is that when those over 65 do get it, they're the ones most likely to need hospitalization and/or die. Age is a very robust and very easily verified risk factor for need for hospital care, so targeting vaccination at everyone with that risk factor is logistically simplest and is most likely to have the greatest and most immediate effect on hospitalization and death rates, both of which are out of control. When vaccine supply was unlimited, it should be given to everybody. When vaccine supply is limited, target it at broad categories of individuals where it will have the greatest public health effect. If a few radiologists who will never be in the same room as a patient with COVID or some homebound retirees get it, it doesn't much matter because the time and resources you take trying to verify somebody really is diabetic or is still working over 65, as examples, are not likely to provide a meaningful public health benefit over very quickly getting as many shots into the arms of the broad groups of people who are most likely to keep people from filling up and/or dying in the hospital.

Meerkat - 2021-01-29

Where I live, we are prioritising front line healthcare workers, elderly in personal care homes, and remote communities with limited access to health care. The rest of us can STAY THE FUCK HOME.

Simillion - 2021-01-30

Link to an example of what kind of crap happens with a distributed and noncentralized plan for vaccine distribution: lifesaving vax doses wasted in the hands of amateurs:

https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/01/29/962143659 /in-philadelphia-a-scandal-erupts-over-vaccination-start-up-led-by -22-year-old

Simillion - 2021-01-29

oh, and btw, my point is not that you're a fatass lazy bastard who hasn't done shit about making your risk of COVID19 lower. My poiint is that any argument that one person is more deserving than another ignores multiple important tenants of justice and equality and basically should be moot.

Anyone who is willing to have the vaccine should get it. Those who are not willing should be educated on why they should get it. Period. The effort should match this sentiment, which it currently doesn't. The CDC guidance to make complex tiers that go by employment...was misguided. The CDC has often been misguided of late. It is unfortunate, really, the way that a Washington brain drain has left our government crippled. One might say, that all of this shit was seen coming from long ago. One might say, that all of this shit was intended to happen to us, by our enemies, who obviously planted the shit rulers who shat on a government that is actually run well. Oh well.

SolRo - 2021-01-29

Workers over 65 should definitely get vaccinated ahead of me, but there are certainly retirees living in a one or two person household who can hold out until people more exposed to the disease get vaccinated.

I should have mentioned that maybe there is merit to vaccinating the working class first as they are the ones most likely to transmit the disease to other workers and their families.

Gmork - 2021-01-29

Never met anyone with "fatass"" in their vocabulary that didn't turn out to be a giant piece of high school mentality shit.

Simillion - 2021-01-29

Only the employed deserve safety from a deadly virus, only prevention matters, only those with severe health problems matter, only those of. High risk ethnic group matter,

Yeah yeah -- enjoy having argument after argument bout who is first. The point is they are all losing arguments, all of them, none of them will get universal acceptance, and any system where months of waiting happens due to factors outside of your control determine eligibility is doomed to lead to ageism, or jobism, or racism, or health status-ism. All of them are fraught with problems, that was my point, OBVIOUSLY, and if you can't get that then YOU can't read, and whether or not you are actually obese and worried about a vaccine over your own health is surely also irrelevant, you fat dumbasses! (Better?)

teethsalad - 2021-01-29

i don't necessarily disagree with you but just understand you're coming across like a quantum asshole over here

Simillion - 2021-01-29

As are all of you fucks, because in my work I need to constantly fend off sentiments of anger and resentment over these tiers like I am somehow in agreement with the decisions that the highest up people have made, and it fucking pisses me off every time some asshat comes in upset that their conception of who to prioritize isn't the law, when I am just someone whose job it is for now to inject the vaccine in you, and our site is getting people coming in demanding a vaccine NOW, and I am fucking sick of it

Just shut the fuck up, line the fuck up, and get your 95% effective shot and get the fuck out. If you're here and we have it, we will inject it and mark down a dose to reserve for you to get in a month, stop talking and stop thinking you are right, because nobody thus far can be right in any moral debate with so many competing interests. More than 75% of the deaths are in people over 65, but young people spread it more, ahhh fuck it all, just line up and wait and shut up!

Crackersmack - 2021-01-29

lol Gmork is fat and sensitive about it

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-01-29

I thought health care workers and nursing home residents were getting top priority. Whatever. The plan may be good, the plan may be bad. I suspect the plan is probably flawed, but regardless, I don't get to make the plan.

I'm going to follow the plan. I'm going to.wait my turn, and then I'm going to get my.shot.

SolRo - 2021-01-29

I like the idea that essential workers not only must risk their health and lives (and of anyone that lives with them) to keep society functioning, keep isolated when not working, but also become fit ubermensch in their spare time...so that non-working boomers can stop isolating faster?

Teachers and grocery workers should be getting vaccinated right now at the least.

Hazelnut - 2021-01-30

I never expected SolRo to outright support the T4 Program, but like Simillion said a year of covid is bringing out the worst in everyone.

SolRo - 2021-01-30

Yeah yeah, Zionist shill for Israel says everyone is a nazi. Movie
At 11.

Hazelnut - 2021-01-30

Show me one post, one single post, where I said a single word in support of the government of Israel, of the settlers, of whatever. Your attempts at distraction are as transparent as your bigotry.

Hazelnut - 2021-01-30

It should also go without saying that knee-jerk calling people “Zionist shills” is the reflex of a complete piece of shit.

Gmork - 2021-01-30

so crackersmack when i defend gay people am i also gay

jesus fucking christ

Gmork - 2021-01-30

also solro stop being fucking gross. there's a difference between reasonable criticism of israel and what you're doing.

SolRo - 2021-01-30

What am I doing gmork?

Not counting the fanfic backstory an english idiot made up for me.

Hazelnut - 2021-01-30

"Basic human rights are anti Semitic!"
SolRo in December: https://www.poetv.com/video.php?vid=178971

"Yeah yeah, Zionist shill for Israel says everyone is a Nazi"
SolRo literally a few posts up

Hazelnut - 2021-01-30

Sigh. I'm no Contrapoints but let me try to break down "what he is doing" into simple steps. Apologies in advance for the length. None of this is invented, all of it linked and easily verified.

SolRo repeatedly, systematically portrays antisemitism as a myth, as "Zionists" crying wolf to shut down criticism of Israel and of finance (funny how he latches onto these two specifically). Even in contexts like this video that has absolutely nothing to do with either he goes straight to "Zionist shill for Israel."

In his words "isreal [sic] hardliners are weaponizing the term to smear their opponents" ... "If we go down that route we’ll end up at a spot where no one is allowed to criticize the financial industry lest they be branded a Jew hater." These are recent verbatim quotes by the way, don't let him pretend it's "fanfic". I have zero motive or desire to make this disgusting shit up.

This world-controlling Jewish financier trope that SolRo employs goes way back, all the way to the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and before that to the "Shylock" "moneylender" caricatures of centuries past. To quote Contrapoints: "If you aren't familiar with these prejudices you might not notice anything wrong with them - 'He never said he HATED the Jews'... but if you're aware, 'woke' if you will, then it kind of rings alarm bells when you hear someone repeating bigoted talking points."

Especially when they're the same talking points used by the white supremacists who stormed the Capital on Jan 6. To be clear I'm NOT calling SolRo a literal Nazi, but Jesus, if the brown shirt fits let's at least point out the overlap. He and they are casting the racists as the true victims and any recognition that racism exists as the real oppression. And that is a huge problem, that is Talking Point #1 in every racist's playbook, because dismissing the abuse experienced by a minority as "weaponizing" and "political correctness" (again, SolRo's own words) deligitimizes their experiences and excuses every future attack.

And what "Basic human right" is SolRo defending again? Most recently it was this mural: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/mar/28/antisemitism -open-your-eyes-jeremy-corbyn-labour The mural whose artist boasted: "Some of the older white Jewish folk in the local community had an issue with me portraying their beloved #Rothschild or #Warburg etc as the demons they are.” Note that classic dishonest use of language: make it sound like you're only attacking the Rothschilds as individuals (an attack that, yes, actually does go back to the Nazis in the '30s) but link it back to the wider community with "their beloved".

SolRO's defense of the mural? "Evil bankers + caricature big nose = artist hates Jews is a very large leap to make." Suuuure it is. Especially in this context, which SolRo knows, and the artist's own words which he also knows.

Again, straight out of the alt-right playbook: attack a historically targeted people with hateful tropes and memes, then when criticized cry Political Correctness! My freedom of speech! Help help I'm being cancelled!

Our new Secretary of State (I'm American not English) has observed that anti-Jewish conspiracy theories (holocaust denial, blood libel, secret bankers running the world) and anti-democracy conspiracy theories (massive voter fraud, overcounting in Black neighborhoods, "stop the steal") have the same promoters and same intent. Sometimes they're invoked in the very same breath: in that speech with the dripping hair dye Giuliani blamed George Soros for stealing the election -- echoing the same Soros-as-evil-Jewish-puppeteer conspiracy theory StormFront and SolRo and Steve Bannon have been pushing for years.

That shit ain't right. Sorry for the boring wall of text, sorry for repeating myself, I'm sure I sound like a dweeb, but dammit it does need repeating. SolRo needs to look in the fucking mirror, and if he refuses then he sure the hell shouldn't get any more of a pass than any other anti-Jewish bigot.

SolRo - 2021-01-30

And then I have sex with hitler, right?

SolRo - 2021-01-30

Or something, right? Because this fanfic isn’t going to get many followers without some sexy scenes.

Hazelnut - 2021-01-31

And here we see a racist dodging his very own words.

Crackersmack - 2021-01-31

"I can't stop eating whole boxes of twinkies, and when people laugh at that it's the same thing as discriminating against gay people"

~obese POETV user Gmork

Crackersmack - 2021-01-31

also Make Israel Palestine Again

The Mothership - 2021-01-29

I appreciate the stress in her voice.

casualcollapse - 2021-01-29

I almost started crying several times during this video.😢

Anaxagoras - 2021-01-29

There was a brief shot of a bunch of caskets, presumably all with bodies in them. For some stupid reason, I found that brief shot incredibly powerful, even though there's nothing particularly special about 20-30 bodies in a single frame.

Our primitive monkey brains are so thoroughly unequipped to handle mass tragedy. :(

themilkshark - 2021-01-29

Historically, we will get absolutely no sympathy. Future generations will consider us imbeciles who killed ourselves off.

ashtar. - 2021-01-30

I am excited for your parasocial relationship with this marginally more age-appropriate woman, JHM!

ashtar. - 2021-01-30

ah, fuck not meant as a reply

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-01-30

How excited are you?

ashtar. - 2021-01-30

Like 5/10. I don't expect you'll reach the same heights with this gal as your previous hits, but I'm happy that you're releasing new material.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-01-30

The weird thing about this sort of discourse is that when I deliberately express feelings of romantic attraction for someone, e.g. Toni Basil, no one notices. Once, there was a video with a hot fireman where, in the comments, I actually did a sexually suggestive (and graceless) play on the expression "first responder". Nothing.

ashtar. - 2021-01-30

yeah, that's boring. it's the never discharged but always implied sexual tension that creates interest. boxxy's mom is the agent scully to your fox mulder.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-01-30

So you can't afford Netflix?

themilkshark - 2021-02-01

JHM hope you find a stray cat someday

ashtar. - 2021-02-04

JHM you should just kidnap a crustpunk and keep her captive for years, but platonically and for her own good.

themilkshark - 2021-02-21

ashtar just came up with a Black Snake Moan reboot

Gmork - 2021-01-30

bravely rated and reviewed ABQ-H

Albuquerque Halsey - 2021-01-30

all this video is is self-indulgent preaching to the choir.

Covid denying, anti-mask re*ards are not going to watch this, and wouldn't be convinced even if they did.

The only people watching this are middle-aged nerdy beardos who are nostalgic for that goth girl that were too chickenshit to make a move on back in '98, and now want a goth mommy to relate morbid anecdotes while sitting on their face.

ashtar. - 2021-01-30

Much of what we pretend is politics is just the audience thinking about how much an imaginary shitlib or magachud would be TOTALLY OWNED by this thing we're watching that confirms our worldview. This is just that.

However, I do want a goth mommy to sit on my face so four stars.

Hazelnut - 2021-01-30

I'm just going to throw out there that it is in fact possible to listen to an intelligent person share sincere observations without it being some hidden psychosexual virtue signal.

But yeah, face-sitting rocks.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-01-30

>>>The only people watching this are middle-aged nerdy beardos who are nostalgic for that goth girl that were too chickenshit to make a move on back in '98, and now want a goth mommy to relate morbid anecdotes while sitting on their face.

Are you kidding? Or are you really so dull that you can't imagine a world where anyone at all would find the perspective of a funeral director at a time of historic mass death inherently interesting? Did you know the internet has porn now?

Hazelnut - 2021-01-31

At the very least it's a lazy way to dismiss other people's thinking. X isn't criticising prejudice / racism / misogyny / unnecessary covid deaths because it's wrong, he must be VIRTUE SIGNALLING, or SHILLING, or WHITE KNIGHTING.

I wonder if there is a name for this fallacy besides the general 'ad hominem'. In this case it's more like 'ad Freudian'.

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