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Comment count is 87
Nominal - 2021-03-24

I'm so sorry for voting this out and should have actually watched it first :(

BiggerJ - 2021-03-24

Ugh, me too. It's literally impossible to create a parody on the internet without having it look exactly like the real thing, so lots of parodies get mistaken for the real thing, but these 'people' figured out it can also work in reverse.

Nominal - 2021-03-24

Yeah it's like the inverse of that Conservative Cartoon All-Stars clip where I started out thinking it was real conservative "humor" but caught on to the parody as it went on.

Marlon Brawndo - 2021-03-24

You guys realize that they are often making fun of themselves, right? Libertarians have a sense of humor, too.

SolRo - 2021-03-24

None of that was self deprecating.

Marlon Brawndo - 2021-03-24

I thought the Barney sketch was pretty self deprecating near the end there. Also the Dr. Seuss bits.

Seriously, though? Do you think he was serious when he dressed up as Rick Steves and said "I'm going to marry a robot and sell my kidney on Ebay" and lights up a joint?

Hazelnut - 2021-03-25

Is the routine you’re doing on this page sincere or self-deprecating?

Nominal - 2021-03-25

Self-deprecation and Libertarianism are fundamentally incompatible. It's an ideology that applauds inequity, and anyone who buys into it does so thinking that THEY are smart & talented enough to game the system to land inside the "haves" and fuck the have-nots for not being the bootstrapping Übermensch.

Nobody full of delusional narcissism like that is going to pull off self-deprecating humor.

exy - 2021-03-25

***** ^^^^^ ***** ^^^^^ *****

The Mothership - 2021-03-24


Boomer The Dog - 2021-03-24

Clifford, The Big Red Menace.. :)

Cena_mark - 2021-03-24

I initially clicked thinking it was a parody to mock libertarians, but it's just unfunny libertarian propaganda. Also, Libertarians make a big deal about limiting police powers and calling out their abuses here, but were against BLM.

SolRo - 2021-03-24

Also that Barney clip was dancing real close to the issue of libertarians being okay with pedophilia.

Marlon Brawndo - 2021-03-24

Silly us, not wanting our businesses burned down.

BLM is just the best...at burning shit down.

Marlon Brawndo - 2021-03-24

BTW I am all for police getting told they can't unlawfully search and seizure or confiscate people's shit. Libertarians have been warning about that for fucking decades.

But what makes you think BLM has any answers about anything? Their solutions all fucking suck. Defund the police...that don't work.

SolRo - 2021-03-24

I like the libertarian fantasy where if you say the right magic words then the police just drop your from their agro list pretend you aren’t there anymore.

Marlon Brawndo - 2021-03-24

Libertarians have been fighting for personal liberties since forever so I don't know what your problem is. We have LONG advocated that the police get out of your private fucking business.

Marlon Brawndo - 2021-03-24

Also, WTF are you talking about regarding pedophilia? No one that I know is okay with pedophilia. Stop being so fucking hyperbolic, SolRo.

Cena_mark - 2021-03-25

The fake colorblindness Libertarians celebrate makes matters worse. Tons of laws in the US are technically colorblind, yet black people get hurt the most by them. Consider stop and frisk. The law didn't explicitly say to stop black people yet minorities made up over 90% of the stops. Ignoring institutional racism is racism.
Black people were oppressed for their skin and as a group, yet your solution to counter this is individualism. So get oppressed as a group so centuries, just to be told to individually bootstrap your way out of generational poverty.
Jo Jorganson tweeted that Libertarians must be anti-racist. OOOOH boy the responses from the rank and file libertarians. Most are racist as fuck.

Gmork - 2021-03-25

Imagine actually thinking that "BLM/ANTIFA BURNED DOWN CITIES!!!!111!!!" shit would work here.

Hazelnut - 2021-03-25

Maybe M-B is just hilariously parodying what racism libertarians sound like? I’m trying to be generous in the spirit of No Ad Hominems Week.

Marlon Brawndo - 2021-03-26

um...I know several libertarians that actually protested stop and frisk. Honestly, I think you all have some really crap information. I am more than willing to take crap for defending a belief that you don't believe but...we're actually on the same side here. I'm not for stop and frisk and neither is my party.

Marlon Brawndo - 2021-03-26

So...my party willingly nominated Jo Jorgensen, who is actively speaking out against racism, but you think we're majority racists?


Does not compute.

The Libertarians have the pragmatic nature of the original Democrats who warned against war in other countries and the pragmatism of the right's staunch defense of the Constitution, especially the first amendment. We're the best of both worlds.


Hazelnut - 2021-03-26

Huh, I was right, he is just doing a parody.

SolRo - 2021-03-24

I tried to warn you!

Marlon Brawndo - 2021-03-24

This is fucking hilarious.

Marlon Brawndo - 2021-03-24

I defend these sketches. I laughed out loud several times.

ashtar. - 2021-03-24

Libertarians are half right (gay rights, drugs, police accountability) and half wrong (neo-feudalist wealth concentration).

They're willing to compromise on the things they're right about.

SolRo - 2021-03-24

Don’t believe they’re actually for police accountability.

They just want to not be accountable to laws, and saying “police accountability” sounds waaay better than “I should be allowed to speed on public roads while drunk” or “I shouldn’t face any consequences for tax evasion” and “Police should leave white people alone and keep stomping the coloreds” (paraphrasing brawndo there)

Remember all those libertarians wearing their Randian invisibility cloaks, marching with BLM? And our local rand

Marlon Brawndo - 2021-03-25

Did you not see the sketch where they were mocking police having qualified immunity, SolRo? It's almost as if you're talking out of your ass and you didn't actually watch this, yet you want to have an opinion on it based on shit you are making up in your head. Libertarians don't want the police to have carte blanche. What fucking planet are you living on?

SolRo - 2021-03-25

I’ve never seen libertarians sticking up for minorities when it matters.

It’s a white movement.

Cena_mark - 2021-03-25

That's why the only minorities they could get in the video are in puppet form.

teethsalad - 2021-03-25

what solro said

Hazelnut - 2021-03-25

Yep, SolRo is completely correct there. A stopped racist clock is right twice a day.

SolRo - 2021-03-25

I see you’re still an unhinged dumbass

Hazelnut - 2021-03-25

Taking exception to digusting bigoted bullshit (https://tinyurl.com/1wb4aget, https://tinyurl.com/y9o6gd9f, https://tinyurl.com/1l7g1ks1, https://tinyurl.com/8jy6zwxf — warning, utterly vile) is as far from unhinged as it gets.

Hazelnut - 2021-03-25

By the way, I'm still fully behind No Ad Hominems Week. An Ad Hominem fallacy would be to say here: "SolRo's statement statement about Libertarians is wrong because he is a disgusting hypocritical racist as is plainly shown by his own repeated words."

It is both non-fallacious and 100% accurate to say "SolRo's statement about Libertarians is completely correct, EVEN THOUGH he is a disgusting hypocritial racist as is is plainly shown by his own repeated words."

SolRo - 2021-03-25

Just shut the fuck up already, Jesus fucking Christ. You just can’t help yourself.

Crackersmack - 2021-03-25

just for the record you're both equally insufferable and stupid af but at least you're not fat like Gmork or a hermit pedo like JHM

Hazelnut - 2021-03-25

I see SolRo still resorts to random name calling because he knows he can't actually defend his bullshit.

I _don't_ see what Crackersmack wrote thanks to a handy filter that improves his posts to "[filtered: zero-credibility troll]" -- installation notes in the comments of https://tinyurl.com/7udy626k

SolRo - 2021-03-25

Unhinged dumbass

Hazelnut - 2021-03-25

See THAT is an Ad Hominem -- attempting to dismiss sourced facts with random insults

teethsalad - 2021-03-25

oh my god just kiss each other already

the sexual tension in here is ridiculous

Hazelnut - 2021-03-26

Dude. It's not some harmless difference of opinion. It's not "some very fine people on both sides". Racist bigotry bad.

Crackersmack - 2021-03-26

crying wolf about racist bigotry is really despicable too, but that's what your people do best

Simillion - 2021-03-26

^^^ Teethsalad *****

For this video, a big ol mediocre 3

Nominal - 2021-03-25

Libertarians (and their fellow right-wingers), love pointing out how Communism only works in theory, yet Libertarianism is a hundred times the fantasy land ideology. At least Communism managed to get off the ground on a national superpower scale and lurch along for 70 years. Libertarians only manage a commune or two that last a year at most before collapsing into a black hole of selfishness.

Another thing they have in common with other ring-wingers is their utter failure at satire.

Hazelnut - 2021-03-25

Agreed about the theory-and-practice. Also Socialism works wonderfully in some countries (like a good third of Europe), and libertarians can only answer with a No True Scotsman ‘that’s not REAL socialism’... but if you suggest enacting the same policies in other countries then it’s ‘you can’t do that - that would be SOCIALISM.’

So much for the intellectual rigor of Libertarians.

I’m less sure I can agree with ‘right-wingers can’t do satire’ as a blanket statement even if I want to. How about John Cleese? Or Team America World Police, that was pretty funny. Winston Churchill was a right winger, in many ways a bigoted militaristic colonialist elitist bastard — but he was a funny bastard, including self-deprecating humour. Or for more pure satire ‘Yes Minister’ has a Thatcherite slant and it’s still hilarious.

Nominal - 2021-03-25

John Cleese made funny satire in the past five years?

Hazelnut - 2021-03-25

Oh God no. Neither has Winston Churchill, for that matter. But I don't think either of them turned right wing only in the last five years either.

Hazelnut - 2021-03-25

I should add that our perception of the comedian and the context affects whether we think they are funny. When I was a little kid I thought it was hilarious when John Cleese as Basil Fawlty was beating little Manuel over the head. Now that I'm a little more aware of the stereotypes Fawlty Towers was playing to (not to mention John Cleese's own views on Brexit and Europe) I can't even watch it.

It's the same when SolRo swaps Holocaust jokes with Crackersmack. No doubt he thinks he's hilarous, transgressive, showing up all those politically correct virtue signallers. I think it's just gross.

SolRo - 2021-03-25

Unhinged dumbass

Hazelnut - 2021-03-25

Ah, one more note: where we can agree is that a lot of flavours of conservatism -- Trump / MAGA, Libertarians, Tea Party, anyone who overdoses on FOX -- definitely consistently fail at satire. And I do agree that's probably because to hold those views you have to kill off the parts of your brain that do critical thinking and self examination, and that's vital for comedy.

It's just... I don't know, people are complicated. John Cleese was funny despite being right wing: he had multiple sides to his personality. In his old age the gross side seems to dominate.

Hazelnut - 2021-03-25

SolRo writes "Unhinged dumbass" above because he knows he can't write "That's not true".

SolRo - 2021-03-25

Unhinged dumbass

SolRo - 2021-03-25

Who can’t keep his cock hole shut even for a week

Hazelnut - 2021-03-25

'It really is a slippery slope to Holocaust II if we let people criticize someone like Jeffery Epstein"
SolRo, https://tinyurl.com/y9o6gd9f

Still fucking gross.

SolRo - 2021-03-25

What’s gross is your defending of Epstein and pedophilia

casualcollapse - 2021-03-25

has one of you called the other literal Hitler yet, yall need to fuck or something

Marlon Brawndo - 2021-03-26

(Michael Jackson eating popcorn slowly meme)

Hazelnut - 2021-03-26

That's funny and all, but yeah racism is still wrong. Call me crazy.

Last month a man was arrested in North London for trying to firebomb a synagogue. In the States a man admitted in court organizing neo-Nazi group’s ‘Operation Kristallnacht’ synagogue vandalism campaign. That same month SolRo said called Jews "the most wealthy, protected, represented and white minority group."

That's fucked. That's not "kiss and make up". That's fucked up and wrong. Shame on anyone who looks at that and thinks "hey maybe all sides are equally bad".

teethsalad - 2021-03-26

conflating the actions of skinhead dipshits with the opinion that jews in the US have a whole lot of influence relative to their proportion of the population is a shitty argument. you'd be hard pressed to find another minority in the american population who gets their way more often than the AIPAC crowd. acknowledging that, in and of itself, is not racist. you go a couple steps further and claim they pull all the strings of every politican and run an adrenochrome ring, sure, whatever, then you're in protocols of zion territory. that doesn't negate the tons of bullshit individual jews have to face, but i mean c'mon. i doubt any other nation could get away with the uss liberty incident, the ghettoization of palestine, and having a "secret" nuclear weapons program for decades. fuck, poke around in the knesset and you'll hear a lot of the same goddamn things solro has said. not touching anything else he's said, because i'm not clicking all those goddamn tinyurls

but i mean this is more about winning a pissing contest in the comment section that maybe two or three dozen aging nerds read so who cares

Hazelnut - 2021-03-26

"you go a couple steps further and claim they pull all the strings of every politican and run an adrenochrome ring, sure, whatever, then you're in protocols of zion territory"

You're describing exactly SolRo's bullshit. I won't apologise for not "kissing and making up" with that.

SolRo - 2021-03-26

You are exactly like crackersmack, you will make up whatever lies you need to get people to pay attention to you.

Hazelnut - 2021-03-26

As for your criticisms of Israel, I AGREE WITH THOSE CRITICISMS. I am not remotely pro-Israel. Dislike of a COUNTRY is no excuse for attacking a RACE. In the States we're witnessing a hideous increase in violence against Asian-Americans using the same SolRo-logic "It's okay because CHINA BAD" or "It's okay because they're a PRIVILEGED minority." No it's fucking not.

teethsalad - 2021-03-26

okay buddy good luck with that. keep fightin' them windmills

Crackersmack - 2021-03-26

I've never lied about anything here, you bitches just have your panties in a bunch because I'm one of the millions of Americans that recognize there is functionally no difference between Democrats and Republicans, and you all get to watch me be correct every single day now that your team is in control

Hazelnut - 2021-03-26

Oh I do. Yet another bigot like SolRo doesn’t matter, this site’s comment section doesn’t matter, but I do more tilting than that: I demonstrate, I volunteer, I donate, I participate. I do the best I can. And I know that doesn’t really amount to jack shit, but to be honest it also does’t really bother me that you look down on it.

teethsalad - 2021-03-26


teethsalad - 2021-03-26

lol good lord pull yourselves down off the cross for a second guys

Crackersmack - 2021-03-26

lol don't pull a muscle patting yourself on the back

bro you become more and more of a caricature of a useless liberal with every post, this is like performance art

Hazelnut - 2021-03-26

"racism lol" is certainly a popular Internet sentiment. And I get it. Just doesn't resonate with me. Sorry dude.

teethsalad - 2021-03-26

jesus h christ you guys are walking diapers

Hazelnut - 2021-03-26

Sorry to upset you, friend.

Nominal - 2021-03-27

I can't find anything "right winger" about John Cleese until his 2016 meltdown where he came out for Brexit and started ranting about immigration ruining London.

Hazelnut - 2021-03-27

You’ll find early echoes — Dennis Moore is arguably an extended riff against Labour: “Blimey, this redistribution of wealth is trickier than I thought.” But yeah, some people get a LOT worse as they age.

Marlon Brawndo - 2021-03-27

Oh shit, someone thinks that Democrats and Republicans are useless. Holy shit, call the presses.

Seeing through the lies of big government as it continues to commit to failed policies = OBVIOUS BIGOTRY

Hazelnut - 2021-03-28


You’ve fallen down such a sarcasm well I can’t even tell what point you think you’re trying to make.

Lef - 2021-03-25

ya bunch of red commies can go back to Russia!

ashtar. - 2021-03-26

https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-projec t-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling

"How a New Hampshire libertarian utopia was foiled by bears"

This is a good thing be aware of.

"It turns out that if you have a bunch of people living in the woods in nontraditional living situations, each of which is managing food in their own way and their waste streams in their own way, then you’re essentially teaching the bears in the region that every human habitation is like a puzzle that has to be solved in order to unlock its caloric payload. And so the bears in the area started to take notice of the fact that there were calories available in houses.

One thing that the Free Towners did that encouraged the bears was unintentional, in that they just threw their waste out how they wanted. They didn’t want the government to tell them how to manage their potential bear attractants. The other way was intentional, in that some people just started feeding the bears just for the joy and pleasure of watching them eat.

As you can imagine, things got messy and there was no way for the town to deal with it. Some people were shooting the bears. Some people were feeding the bears. Some people were setting booby traps on their properties in an effort to deter the bears through pain. Others were throwing firecrackers at them. Others were putting cayenne pepper on their garbage so that when the bears sniffed their garbage, they would get a snout full of pepper.

It was an absolute mess."

SolRo - 2021-03-26

Is it okay for me to imagine that the bears destroying the libertarian utopia are Soviet bears wearing little communist hats?

casualcollapse - 2021-03-26

No.. It's required

casualcollapse - 2021-03-26

And I knew of thid story for quite some time. And it's FUCKING hilarious

Nominal - 2021-03-26

All because none of them wanted to pay the Bear Patrol tax.

Marlon Brawndo - 2021-03-27

They should have contracted out the experts.

You know, Hallibearton.

glasseye - 2021-03-29

Make Libertarian Socialist Again.

Seriously. For about a century the term referred to anarchist-communists, not right wing bootlickers.

glasseye - 2021-03-29

When people say "classical libertarian" I ask if they're referring to Kropotkin, Makhno, Goldman, or someone else of their ilk.

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