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Comment count is 5
Born in the RSR - 2021-05-23

Good night, sweet prince.

Nominal - 2021-05-23

Did it ever conclude? After the Golden Age arc, it seemed to just be an endless loop of monster of the week episodes with stock wacky anime sidekick characters.

Born in the RSR - 2021-05-23

It never concluded, there were rumors that he was preparing to hand it off to his staff.

The post Golden Age arc wasn't bad, it felt more like Guts making a new crew and learning to to trust people again, and then you also had the part with with Griffith creating his "prefect" magical kingdom where everyone lives in harmony and accepts death and their role in society etc. etc.

You could call "monster of the week" the bit with the pirates and the bit with the Trolls, but that's not even a quarter of all post golden age content. Maybe it was more prominent in the anime, but I haven't watched that.

Nominal - 2021-05-23

Just seemed to follow a constant Voltron episode pattern: stumble across new Robobeat, fight until hero decides to end it by whipping out blazing sword/arm cannon.

New crew seemed to be either annoying kids/faries, or mute women. Seemed like it might have began shaping up into something interesting with the rogue Ottoman demon empire. I fell off after black demon armor replaced the cannon as the new blazing sword.

SolRo - 2021-05-23

The ultimate hiatus.

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