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Comment count is 4
Arcturus - 2021-07-22

holy shit 2:27

Cena_mark - 2021-07-23

Loving the bouncer action right before that.

exy - 2021-07-22

If I'd heard about this, its memory slot was overwritten by some priest's infinitely lamer "Madonna Don't Preach" parody VHS video.

I assume Aiello is a Catholic, because I'm super racist. I further assume his Catholic club was like, "Aw Danny, whaddafuck, you promoted floozihood," or something. And Aiello's is a pretty creative reaction to my assumptions.

But since I assumed from the preload that this was gonna be a creative edit using stuff like Moonstruck footage, my assumptions aren't much to go on.

5 for awful music in any case

Cena_mark - 2021-07-23

He says he didn't want to do the video because he's a serious actor and doesn't do music videos, and only did it because his daughter was a huge Madonna fan. He says the producers claimed his daughter could take all the photos she wanted on set, but Madonna wasn't down with that.
https://www.madonnarama.com/posts-en/2013/02/22/danny-aiello-i t-was-terrible-to-work-with-madonna/

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