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Comment count is 6
The Mothership - 2021-08-01

No pain where you are now, boy! Aha ha haah aaaaa!!!

ashtar. - 2021-08-01

Congratulations on linking that tag.

Also, jesus christ, those hands.

radiosquido - 2021-08-01

"Is it still moving?"

"Just a little bit."

TeenerTot - 2021-08-01

I get it that humans eat other living things. I do it too. But is there any reason you can't give the poor thing a knife tip through the brain first?

duck&cover - 2021-08-01

Some chefs think that a lobster is just a big sea roach, so its feelings don't matter.

yogarfield - 2021-08-01

Annoying kitchen nerd interjection:

Lobsters actually lack the neural anatomy to feel pain, and the twitches you see are merely reflexes. They also don't scream when boiled. Any knifing is a mercy kill for the feelings of squeamish cooks.

That said, I don't really eat them because they are big sea roaches.

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