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Comment count is 18
themilkshark - 2021-09-11

New pants cuz of the blood and the bones

Enjoy - 2021-09-11

and Norm is a National Treasure

yogarfield - 2021-09-11

Norm's delivery is a national treasure, but it's wasted because all of his material is stodgy edgelord dad stuff at this point.

poorwill - 2021-09-12

what site do you think this is yogarfield

yogarfield - 2021-09-12

@poorwill It's a internet junkyard, durr.

You can check my submit history, I have an old one making fun of Norm's son's shit comedy, I believe it was something to the tune of his son falling short.

After reading Based on a True Story, I was thoroughly nonplussed, re-watched a bunch of old footage and came to the realization that Norm had great delivery and a funny voice, but christ almighty all of his humor is just divorcee geezer garbage.

yogarfield - 2021-09-12

Also he's fat. Two stars for two towers.

teethsalad - 2021-09-12

norm's great and you're boring

yogarfield - 2021-09-13

To each their own. I don't have much of an appetite for pudgy, regressive has-beens.

teethsalad - 2021-09-13

oh god quit proving my point

yogarfield - 2021-09-13

lol, it's 2021 and you're getting your panties in a wad over Norm Macdonald on a dead website.

themilkshark - 2021-09-13

lol yogarfield

poorwill - 2021-09-14

RIP Norm MacDonald

yogarfield - 2021-09-14

For the record, I was JUST saying that he's a fat old stodge who's only comedic gift was his delivery. Bravo Norm, killer punchline.

yogarfield - 2021-09-14

*whose. Never POE on phones, folks.

poorwill - 2021-09-18

"Bravo Norm, killer punchline."
wow, with material like this i can see why you look down your nose at norm macdonald

yogarfield - 2021-09-18

@poorwill And since it went over your head that that was 100% in the vein of his Weekend Update death jokes, it really is a pity that I understand your dead sacred cow more than you.

teethsalad - 2021-09-18

so, so boring

yogarfield - 2021-09-18

Wow, got me.

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