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Comment count is 5
cheesein - 2007-07-02

Just for those of you who didn't figure it out, that narrator in the beginning is indeed the one and only, ever wasted, Tom Baker (he apparently narrates this entire show).

Calamity Jon - 2007-07-02

This wasn't winning me over until they mentioned the Target Books novelizations. I owned so many of those things when I was a kid. My embarrassment means I can't pretend to be too cool to find the abduction and man-rape of the Fifth Doctor funny ...

StanleyPain - 2007-07-02

It's great how Davidson doesn't say anything, yet makes the skit.

As great as Tom baker is, and I love his serials, I grew up with Davidson, so I have a soft cuddly spot for him. Albeit, not one that fantasizes about kidnapping him.

StanleyPain - 2007-07-02

Also, you'll notice the guy laying in the bed was Professor Lazarus in Season 3.

Pie Boy - 2007-10-27

The guy cried when ADRIC died? He's not a fan!

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