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Comment count is 11
Crackersmack - 2021-09-21

The people in the video that are being whipped are part of the more than 9,000 Haitian refugees currently being detained underneath a bridge in Texas, outdoors in sweltering weather, without food, water, or sanitation.

These people were already inside Texas but were in such dire circumstances that they risked crossing back into Mexico so they could buy some food for their families. They spent what little money they had on the takeout meals that you can see them carrying, and on the way back across the river they were intercepted by these absolute monsters that seemed to be having fun whipping and knocking these people down.

Nothing will be done about this by the Democrats currently in complete control of the federal government.

Crackersmack - 2021-09-21

Don't feel to bad though, yesterday Psaki made it clear that the Border Patrol officers were not whipping the refugees with purpose-made bullwhips but rather with their leather horse reins. So that's a Biden policy you can be proud of. The Border Patrol has to improvise the whips they use to beat refugees.

Crackersmack - 2021-09-21


glasseye - 2021-09-21

I saw that. Split reins that are 7-8 feet long and made of leather, and TOTALLY DIFFERENT from whips obviously. What a load of shit.

SolRo - 2021-09-21

The border patrol is full of little trumper fascists. It will take years or decades to reform the force, if it were attempted.

They don’t change their personal racist prejudices overnight every time a new president is elected.

Hopefully the media bringing this to the national spotlight will get the ball rolling.

glasseye - 2021-09-21

Five for pure evil.

The border patrol has always been extremely racist and filled with fascists, and both halves of the capitalist-imperialist party (red and blue editions) like it that way.

More on the history of just why the BP is so incredibly awful:

https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-2923632 3/episode/part-one-the-us-border-patrol-69755319/

https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-2923632 3/episode/part-two-the-us-border-patrol-69913143/

Crackersmack - 2021-09-22

If reforming the insanely cruel (and largely illegal) way that CBP handles refugees and migrants was actually a goal of the Biden administration, as we were led to believe it was throughout the election cycle over and over again by smug and obnoxious liberals, shit like this wouldn't be happening right now.

If the Biden administration cared at all about the horrible video above their response at the very least would be that they condemn this and will fire/prosecute the officers. Instead, the Biden administration sent Psaki out to do the rounds on the talk shows clarifying that the officers are technically not using actual whips.

This is what you voted for, you should own it. The kids are still in the cages. CBP is beating people and smiling for the cameras because they know nothing will be done. You voted for Trump's policy in every way except by actually voting for the guy.

Crackersmack - 2021-09-22

P.S. as we speak there are 9,000 human beings sweating and starving under a bridge in Texas, where the fuck are you liberals? Where is your president?

Simillion - 2021-09-22

:) *nod*

Cena_mark - 2021-09-23

Yeah... the Dems suck on immigration, they just suck a little less than Trump. We criticize Biden all the time. We're not the dumbass Trumpers, we don't Stan for the Dems. We just tolerate them because they're just a little less evil than the racist party.

glasseye - 2021-09-23

Outside of a tiny handful of less awful people that happen to be Dems, I don't even think that's true anymore. The Dems are utterly incapable of doing anything useful, or even providing meaningful opposition to the Republicans.

It's far better to channel one's limited time, energy, and resources into making peoples lives better directly at a local level, IMO.

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