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Comment count is 9
ashtar. - 2021-09-30

the r word is edgy and fun now that you're not supposed to say it

SolRo - 2021-09-30

Democracy is the balancing act of letting children do what they want while trying to keep them from hurting themselves, and they can fire you if you don’t let them eat enough candy.

Cena_mark - 2021-09-30

I wish I could experience Democracy just to see if it's good or bad. America sure as hell ain't one. Very rarely do our elected representatives do as the people want.

SolRo - 2021-09-30

America is an abusive family, but they have convinced their kids that all other families are even worse

Mister Yuck - 2021-10-01

Joining a functional union was my first experience with democracy. It's incredible. You go to a meeting, make a suggestion, debate it with your bros, and vote on it next month. The leadership is all fat, cynical, POS Irish guys with mob ties, but they work their absolute ass off to keep everyone happy so they don't lose their cushy jobs.

Mister Yuck - 2021-10-01

It's really eye opening to how incredibly shitty our politics are.

yogarfield - 2021-09-30

Tag suggestions: OSHO, terrorist, actual evil, so long sucker.

This is the dude the Simpson's Cult episode was based on.

ashtar. - 2021-10-01

Looks like we've got a real OSHO inspector over here folks.

yogarfield - 2021-10-03

It's common knowledge? Show me on the doll where OSHO poisoned you.

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