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Comment count is 5
Caminante Nocturno - 2007-06-24

So, the Misfits actually did music every so often? All I remember them doing on the show was trying to ruin Jem's life. Hell, they usually ended up breaking the law in one way or another when they tried. How the Hell did these obsessive and hot psychotics stay employed as singers?

nuzzles - 2007-06-25

The Misfits usually had a song in every episode. My favorite was "We're Misfits in Hawaii", which included the great line: "We wear a sarong, but it looks so wrong."

I haven't seen this show in a very long time, but I used to play that song all the time because it drove everyone nuts.

Every Misfits doll came with a tape with Misfits songs on it- they were pretty much all about being catty, ruthless bitches...which was an awesome thing to hear during one's formative years.

SharoKham - 2007-06-25

Most importantly, The Misfits songs were the best on the show. They sounded like the Waitresses having an orgy with the Sex Pistols.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-06-26

The Misfits actually sucked most of the time, and they were sort of like the Legion of Doom to Jem's Superfriends. The Legion of Doom with bad mascara.

gambol - 2007-06-29

I'd still hit it.

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