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Comment count is 36
Pillager - 2021-10-25

https://www.theverge.com/2021/10/15/22728337/netflix-fires-organiz er-trans-employee-walkout-dave-chappelle

jangbones - 2021-10-25

(goes on direct transphobic rant "some are calling it transphobic" okay

The Mothership - 2021-10-26

Not all the jokes landed, some were lame (space jews? I didn't get that one) but much of the comedy special was funny. Did you watch it?

Adham Nu'man - 2021-10-26

I watched it. Liked it. I didn't think it was super hilarious but it was entertaining overall.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2021-10-26

What I'm curious about was Morgan Freeman in the ad. Is he 'persona grata' now? I thought he was a fukin' rapist or something?

Anaxagoras - 2021-10-26

If I remember correctly, Morgan Freeman was accused of kinda harassing a hot chick on the set of some movie or other. And by "harass", I mean saying things like "Hey good lookin', how bout you come over to my place later?"

So, assuming I'm remembering correctly, he was a mild pest, but nothing major.

Crackersmack - 2021-10-26

The reaction of the trans community to Chappelle's new special reminds me of how sometimes basketball or soccer players will throw themselves to the ground and way over-exaggerate a contact with a player on the opposing team to try and get the ref to call a foul.

I've heard this special described as hate speech, a call for violence against trans people, a denial of their existence, etc by people that obviously didn't watch any part of it, or missed the major overarching theme of it if they did.

Anaxagoras - 2021-10-26

I don't think the soccer player comparison is fair. It assumes that the trans community is cynically performing their outrage, as a way to get sympathy. I don't think that's the case at all; I think they honestly believe what they're saying.

However, I do agree that they're *way* overreacting. Chapelle's show wasn't hateful, but the trans folks see him espousing views that, when carried to their logical ends, often result in active bigotry against trans people. However, Chappelle very explicitly didn't carry those views to their logical ends. Of course, bigots often explicitly decry the logical ends of their repulsive views as a fig leaf to hide what they really want to do. Nevertheless, I see no reason to think that Chappelle is doing this; he seems sincere to me.

SolRo - 2021-10-26

You really are a neocon piece of shit cracker

Crackersmack - 2021-10-26

if I was a neocon you would vote for me

Crackersmack - 2021-10-26

Anax; I think Dave was making a very sincere attempt to explain his frustration with how trans acceptance went from non-existent to overwhelming among the ruling/media class in just a few years, while Black folks still can't get much of this country to even acknowledge that systemic racism exists, *especially* from the ruling/media class. An example would be how pronoun preferences are rigidly adhered to almost universally now, but murders of Black men by police are still always reported as if the cops were a totally passive party.

White LGBTQ are white first and everything else second, and they know that, and they use that to their advantage. Transness is more accepted by white society because it contains white people. These are uncomfortable truths that we should speak about openly, and what I have seen in response to Dave has been adults histrionically play-acting a reaction to a violent threat that was never made.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-10-26

The current conservative/terf narrative appears to be that trans people aren't real, that the science begins and ends with XX/XY, that it's all some kind of "trend", that innocent youths are being sold on an identity that isn't real out of... a desire for political power, I guess?

It must be a hurtful narrative for people who struggle with issues of identity, but you don't have to be have to be hateful to promote it. You just have to be ignorant. The thing that pisses me off about Dave Chapelle is his trumped -up attitude of defiance, like he thinks he's telling truth to power, and he's doing neither... but sure, I get that he's sincere. When his defenders talk about how he has no hate in his heart, I believe them, don't care. It's not about what's in Dave's heart. It's not about Dave at all.

yogarfield - 2021-10-26

It's called "flopping" you nerd. The only flop was Chappelle's new special.

It wasn't jokes, it was an old man whining about the sands of time flavored by his faith.

Adham Nu'man - 2021-10-27

Keep fighting your windmills and patting yourselves on the back.

Cena_mark - 2021-10-27

Chapelle fell into the ways of old comedians who rail against social change because they don't want to come up with new material.

Crackersmack - 2021-10-27

He's not old or washed up, he's the #1 comedian alive, sells out any venue he wants to perform at, and has had the top Netflix show for weeks. Nothing in The Closer was "railing against change". He just pointed out something that made a lot of people uncomfortable because we aren't supposed to question it, and made fun of it. That's what a good comedian does.

Anaxagoras - 2021-10-27

Yeah, Chapelle isn't doing what he's doing out of desperation or laziness. I'm pretty sure he's sincere in his social criticism. I don't think he's entirely accurate, but he does seem sincere.

Cena_mark - 2021-10-27

I didn't say he was washed up, just old and he is old at a staggering 48 years. He really wasn't questioning or just even telling jokes on trans issues. He just outright stated that he's a bigot. He said "I'm not team TERF"

Cena_mark - 2021-10-27

Only asking questions. Ah yes, the defense of choice for alt-right edgelords when they were flexing their copies of the Bell Curve.

Crackersmack - 2021-10-27

I was kinda generally replying to the thread, not just you Cena. I think the way he explained being "on team terf" in context of the special made a lot of sense. It's not the same thing as being a bigot at all.

Crackersmack - 2021-10-27

Also he was definitely not "just asking questions" like an edgelord, he had a very specific and valid point to make, and he did it artfully imho.

Spike Jonez - 2021-10-26

I mean, it was transphobic. Very transphobic. And it was a response to complaints about his previous transphobic comments. "I have a trans friend" is an excuse any black man should know doesn't fly.

Crackersmack - 2021-10-26

The story about his trans friend wasn't intended to excuse anything, because there is nothing to excuse. Dave doesn't hate trans people.

SolRo - 2021-10-26

“I’m not racist, I don’t see race” etc

Get fucked

Crackersmack - 2021-10-27

One thing I noticed is that this walkout by like 100 Netflix employees got much, much more media coverage than the strike by 10,000 John Deere employees and all the nasty shit John Deere is doing to them.

Gmork - 2021-10-27

Dave Chappelle was never funny, it's not hard to get stoned teenagers to laugh.

Crackersmack - 2021-10-27

if you're looking for an edgelord opinion here it is

Gmork - 2021-10-28

Low credibility troll response detected

Adham Nu'man - 2021-10-27

Once Upon a Time, screeching and demanding media be removed from public consumption to "protect the children!!!" was the exclusive realm of the puritanical, evangelical right.

Not anymore folks! Welcome to the new Satanic Panic.

Nominal - 2021-10-27

That ship sailed nearly 10 years ago once people started taking Twitter seriously. Now EVERYONE is a Helen Lovejoy.

Chappelle isn't funny though. He had maybe one or two funny skits in his show's entire run. The rest was stoner meme shit.

SolRo - 2021-10-27

Yeah, I mean, xtain housewives forcing their puritanical standards for all media is exactly the same as repressed minorities not wanting to be demeaned by public figures.

Nominal - 2021-10-28

How does Russia treat LGBT?

SolRo - 2021-10-28

Whatabout Russia’s emails?

Quad9Damage - 2021-11-02

I mean, a lot of media has disappeared over the last few years. Many TV episodes have been edited down. Entire episodes have been pulled from circulation, with plans to edit them out of future physical media release prints. We are not getting them back. Video games get "problematic" content patched out post-release. Resident Evil 4, after almost 20 years, just saw some of its most famously meme'd cutscenes gutted for the Facebook VR version.

Looking back, all I remember the xtian housewives doing was getting Beavis and Butt-Head moved to 11:00 PM. Or they complained enough that you learned to hide your Marilyn Manson CDs and play Dungeons & Dragons at your friend's cooler mom's house. Whoever the puritanical evangelicals are now, they sure are getting shit done, like clockwork, and much more efficiently.

Albuquerque Halsey - 2021-10-27

there at tens of us! tens!

casualcollapse - 2021-10-30


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