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Boomer The Dog - 2021-10-25

Original research by Dr. David Banner.

Nominal - 2021-10-25

Remember when The Onion videos were on an amazing hot streak around 2010-2012? The great dorm fire. The clone sorority girls. The Apple Wheel. Apple store friend bars.

The next couple of years, they handed things off to the B team who were a poor man's Christopher Guest.

Now things have slipped even further to...whatever this was.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2021-10-26

I dunno, this is just different to old stuff, but still good.

"Apple Wheel" is just hilarious, it has so many jokes. But as a piece of satire it's pretty toothless. The sketch is just stating the obvious. Everyone knows apple stuff is overpriced junk.

This one is not lol funny, but its satirising an interesting issue. This age-old and universal issue of humans believing *whatever* is required to fit into some social group.
In the evolutionary environment stuff like this was a feature not a bug, but if you're trying to build a giant technological industrialised civilization, all members having many of these built-in tendencies to live in a fantasy world can cause problems.

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