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Comment count is 7
Adjuvant - 2021-10-28

I remember these guys.

Whatever happened to turntablism? Used to be so hot in the late 90's / early 2000's with like DJ Vadim, DJ Shadow, Q-Bert, Invisibl Skratch Pikls, Mix Master Mike, DJ Krush, etc etc. Maybe just got too far up its own ass and started to prioritize technical razzle-dazzle over actually being something people wanted to listen to anymore?

badideasinaction - 2021-10-29

Sooner or later you gonna hit the uncleared sample wall on any medium you showcase on which would probably be one cooling effect.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2021-10-29

Nice list adjuvant. (tho u forgot kid koala) I also listened to all those guys and saw some of them live. Q-bert was amazing. I remember it was in a tiny venue in Dublin and he was sitting right at the front of the stage with his QFO + we were at the front of the crowd. My friend remarked that he could have put his finger up q-berts nose lol.

Anyway I had no idea Birdy Nam Nam were turntablists. I have a few of their albums and it all just sounds like daft-punk style electronic music with samples.

casualcollapse - 2021-10-29

saw shadow live, was great

Bootymarch - 2021-10-29

It was always like that. Most of those guys' albums are about as fun as listening to Steve Vai.

SolRo - 2021-10-30

Because this sounds great for about 30 seconds, gets too repetitive for 6 minutes and is unbearable as a whole album

The Mothership - 2021-11-02

Some thing are just badass.

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