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Comment count is 3
ashtar. - 2021-12-22

There's a whole lot of people walking around out there with this kinda shit going on in their heads.

5 for the interviewer's heroic smile suppression efforts.

Two Jar Slave - 2021-12-22

He wouldn't have noticed either way, but yes.

Two Jar Slave - 2021-12-22

I worked for two years fundraising for charities on downtown street corners. Every single day you'd get someone like this. Often, it would be someone whose exact rant you'd already listened to at length a couple of times before, but they'd have no memory of you.

The thing is, they often have strong public speaking skills -- like this guy does. No "ums" or "aahs," no self-conscious ticks or avoiding eye-contact. Just excellent articulation, speaking rhythm, and nonverbals, all in service of mind-numbing batshittery. As a canvasser, you can actually hone your own skills if you pay attention. But they'll sustain their rants for an hour straight if you let 'em.

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