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Comment count is 8
Crackersmack - 2021-12-20

all these stupid things use hub motors and that's how you know that nobody was seriously trying to design something useable

yogarfield - 2021-12-20

As an avid hater of solowheels and every other iteration that lazy tech people use to get around, I am happy to see one that can be solved with a blowgun.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2021-12-20

You hate cars right? Car = the ultimate solowheel.

yogarfield - 2021-12-21

Oh please elaborate on "Car = the ultimate solowheel".

Last I checked, people don't roll up behind you on the sidewalk and scream "PASSING" while rocking a selfie stick in their car.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2021-12-21

@yogarfield Imagine if something as stupid as a solowheel became so ubiquitous that huge amount of infrastructure were built just for them, solowheel magnates bought out other modes of transport and shut them down, they also lobby incessantly and run sophisticated PR campaigns to further increase the solowheel uptake, this goes on to effect urban planning + society as a whole. It gets to the point where almost everyone *needs* a solowheel to function in the insane dystopia created.
Thats cars.

yogarfield - 2021-12-21

It's a different animal. Give me some rope, but I'm guessing you don't live in a place where solos, lunis, e-boards, e-skates, etc are already commonplace?

If so, God bless ya, I'm actually jealous. There is no infrastructure future for it, because it just dorks from [insert tech company here] railroading everyone on the sidewalk because they're too lazy to walk a few blocks.

My neighborhood has sharrows, left turn bike boxes, two-ways and onesies, a dedicated 20 mile bike highway, etc.

ALL of these fuckers use the sidewalk or ride in the wrong lane.

However, I did see a dude get clipped by a guy wire while checking his phone. That was glorious, better than a Segway malfunction.

love - 2021-12-21

my brain decided to start looping the phrase "inflatable scooter" to the tune of the chorus from "detachable penis" so five for reminding me of king missle?

TeenerTot - 2021-12-21

Yeah, I've already walked to my destination while you're inflating your ride.

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