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Comment count is 4
Anaxagoras - 2021-12-28

I remember both record stores and this sketch when it first aired.

I have become an old.

badideasinaction - 2021-12-29

In high school we had a friend like this and quoted lines from the skit back at him. He didn't know we were making fun of him.

Boomer The Dog - 2021-12-29

Indie record stores run by music heads, I liked that scene, what little of it I experienced.

Doors fans too, Jim was god. I had a friend in high school who was total Doors for a while and wrote deep poetry like Jim.

Jim will return, his spirit; every era has a personality like the Lizard King to guide those who wish to meet at the doors of perception. Are you coming in? The ceremony is about to begin.


Two Jar Slave - 2021-12-29

Bruce did a version of this (a much better version, I think) on his 1995 album Shame-Based Man. You can probably youtube it. As one example of the revision, he changed that line about Waiting For the Sun from "it's the departure point" to "it's their third album. But really... it's their first."

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