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Comment count is 19
jangbones - 2022-02-03

"Yes! Yes! They definitely died!"

Albuquerque Halsey - 2022-02-03

He lived

Crackersmack - 2022-02-03

The truck is just as guilty of being an asshole as the Honda is.

rural - 2022-02-03

To paraphrase much more eloquent people than me who I've seen comment on this video: the fact that anyone thinks the truck is somehow at fault explains why the rate of US vehicle deaths is •literally• 10x what it is in the rest of the developed world. It is seriously 10 times. I just checked.

Crackersmack - 2022-02-03

nah the truck was clearly antagonizing the Honda and repeatedly brake checked him which is as dangerous as anything the Honda did

ashtar. - 2022-02-03

The truck sped up to prevent merging, brake checked the Accord, then sped up to keep him out of the left lane again. No as bad as the Accord (and sort of understandable because fuck that Accord), but still dangerous and illegal.

Binro the Heretic - 2022-02-04

The truck was definitely antagonizing the Accord. Maybe the truck driver felt justified because the Accord driver was an asshole, but the crash happened because the truck sped up to cut the Accord off when it passed that other car on the shoulder.

If the truck had just let it go, the Accord would have sped away and that would have been the end of it.

Crackersmack - 2022-02-04

and it started because the truck saw the accord coming up fast behind and it and slowed down to match the speed of the other car and thereby block the accord, it was 100% started by the asshole in the truck thinking it's his job to enforce traffic laws like some dickhead

Bootymarch - 2022-02-04

The left lane is for passing. You do not stay there two abreast. Fuck that truck driver. You think the small penis move he pulled in the last 10 seconds was ok??? Maybe the honda driver had a serious emergency.

Lef - 2022-02-04

Binro is correct. A good driver lets the asshole on the left pass.

Yet, the Accord was a very big asshole.

You can love an asshole, but it takes more work.

Binro the Heretic - 2022-02-03

Pretty much all of them are driving like a bunch of fucking idiots including the person behind the dash cam.

Cena_mark - 2022-02-03

Yeah, give yourself stopping space incase they wreck

SolRo - 2022-02-03

Idiots. Idiots everywhere!

(Buzz Lightyear meme)

Robin Kestrel - 2022-02-04

I really thought the dash cam guy was gonna end up wrecked.

ashtar. - 2022-02-03

Needs Uncle Roger tag.

Albuquerque Halsey - 2022-02-03

no idea who that is but ok

ashtar. - 2022-02-03

The dashcam guy's impersonation really adds something to this near fatal recklessness.

yogarfield - 2022-02-04

lol my first thought as well

Lef - 2022-02-04

Albuquerque Halsey, you did good adding Uncle Roger.

Uncle Roger makes me smile, but he's still a POS (Point Of Sale?).

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