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Comment count is 16
Sludge Vohaul - 2022-03-12

"The Lord is going to come on me so mighty...."

The Lord is Peter North?

Nominal - 2022-03-13

It's kinda amazing how whiplash-worthy reactionaries turned from fervently hating anything with the slightest whiff of Russia or Communism to embracing the former and adopting the language of the latter.

SolRo - 2022-03-13

Americans love fascism.

You love “good guy liberalize the world at gunpoint” fascism, while the truckers like “manly right-wing traditionalist strongman” fascism.

decoy - 2022-03-13

"Fascism," SolRo, as defined by the ultra-fascist website Wikipedia: "A form of far-right, authoritarian ultra-nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy..."

If you're suggesting in any serious way that the above definition applies to Americans, you're either attempting to be intellectually dishonest, grossly hyperbolic or intentionally distorting of facts - or all of the above.

SolRo - 2022-03-13

Do you have a better term for using violence to project your preferred economic and social ideologies on the world?

I just see right fascism as an internal version of what American jingoism does externally to other nations.

Cena_mark - 2022-03-13


decoy - 2022-03-13

Point me to any great nation that didn't project its power in order to protect and enhance its interests and I'll show you a page in history's conquered, failed or forgotten nation states.

Crackersmack - 2022-03-14

how does the way America projects it's power protect or enhance the interests of any Americans besides a few war profiteers?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-03-14

>>>Point me to any great nation that didn't project its power in order to protect and enhance its interests and I'll show you a page in history's conquered, failed or forgotten nation states.

Wow,what bizarre, convoluted use of metaphor! I point at a country (from space?) and you show me a page from some figurative book.

Hey, why don't you just name a few the nation states you're talking of?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-03-14

Hey, why don't you just name a few of the nation states you're talking of?

ashtar. - 2022-03-16

America was a racial apartheid state until relatively recently, incarcerates more people than any other society in history, spends more on its military than most of the rest of the world, hates socialism and communism, and has a major hard on for installing right wing dictators around the world.

We're not a fascist country, but we've always had strong fascist tendencies.

Crackersmack - 2022-03-14

The Canadian trucker protest was successful because the truckers were willing to take a risk by actually obstructing commerce in a substantial way. It's a blueprint for other successful protests.

These maga clowns in the American imitation of the protest are too cucked by rightwing news media programming them full of libertarian economic beliefs to ever do the same thing.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-03-14

Here's something that came up when I pasted "The Canadian trucker protest was successful " into the search window.


Succesful how? Did the vaccine mandate that the truckers opposed end? It didn't come up in any of my search results. So, instead of me trying to figure out what you mean by that, you can clear that up if you like.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-03-14

>>>The Canadian trucker protest was successful because the truckers were willing to take a risk by actually obstructing commerce in a substantial way. It's a blueprint for other successful protests.

I'm trying to find how the Canadian truckers protest was "successful". Here's the first thing that came up when I pasted "The Canadian trucker protest succeeded" into the search window.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-03-14

OOps, posted twice. Sorry.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-03-14

"I'm not a geopolitical expert. I think the timing is very interesting.' (Raised eyebrows. Wicked smile)

Not saying it out loud. Conspiracy theories thrive in the dark spaces of the unsaid, when people say something like this, something that is really nothing.

"I'm just saying that it's interesting because if I actually suggest that the invasion of Ukraine is somehow coordinated with the Canadian Trucker's protest , I might sound unhinged. It IS interesting, though. (Raised eyebrows. Wicked smile)

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