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Desc:Captain, I am Reporting Warm Puppy's Belly level of nostalgia.
Category:Educational, Science & Technology
Tags:kings quest, roberta williams, unity, sierra online, Colossal Cave
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Comment count is 7
Two Jar Slave - 2022-03-23

Boomers should talk more about remaking beloved text adventures and less about pickleball.

Nominal - 2022-03-23

I've actually gotten into pickleball over the years.

But yes the worst part about it is the majority of players are insufferable boomers.

Gmork - 2022-03-24


Nominal - 2022-03-25

boomers? metal gear?

Two Jar Slave - 2022-03-26


MacGyver Style Bomb - 2022-03-23

Legally required to repost this:


Also, Ken Williams thought it was a good idea to make a game with disgraced LAPD chief (and patron saint of asshole cops) Daryl Gates AFTER the Rodney King riots.

Nominal - 2022-03-24

Hell, they made Gates' name a SELLING POINT on the box.

My biggest PoEN regret is not backing up Feyd's great Police Quest 4 review. Spoiler: all your methodical detective work goes out the window. The killer ends up being someone who's never come up before, and you find their house via a random DOG RODEO complete with wacky music. His dog also kills you (despite having a gun) unless you construct a mirror on a (drum)stick to look around a door, which negates the dog's very existence. You then defeat the killer with hairspray and a lighter (despite having a gun).

"I can see how the riot happened on Gates' watch. Perhaps his officers believed that there was a piece of candy inside Rodney King's skull, a piece of candy that they would have to feed to a bird in order to retrieve an important key from its nest."

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