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Comment count is 14
BiggerJ - 2022-04-10

Andy, Andy, you're getting me ticked!
Think I'll pummel Andy Dick!

-- Space Ghost

casualcollapse - 2022-04-10

Space Ghost space Ghost tickety tick, don't be such a spa-ahce. Dick

BiggerJ - 2022-04-10

I love the gag of repeatedly cutting off the swear word that's only spoken freely in the context of being in Andy's name.

cognitivedissonance - 2022-04-10

He stalks a friend of mine, fuck him.

yogarfield - 2022-04-10

I actually believe this coming from you.

But also we know that this was just Jon Lovitz coming back for seconds.

Fuck Andy Dick.

casualcollapse - 2022-04-10

Your friend should punch Andy dick in the fucking face 🤣🤣🤣

Gunny McRifleson - 2022-04-10

Given this is Andy Dick, he either sexually assaulted some guy ("HAHA ISN'T FUNNY WHEN I GRAB STRANGER'S COCKS?") or tried to rip off a drug dealer.

Gmork - 2022-04-10

It's interesting how people take andy to task for his immensely poor life choices but when talking about hartman's wife, she seems to not have any personal responsibility. They act like andy put the gun in her hand. They're both fuckups and they both caused immense misery to themselves and others, in a selfish way. Sure, fuck andy dick - but also let's maybe hope he figures his shit out before he dies. For fucks sake Andy, please start learning.

Binro the Heretic - 2022-04-10

And as much as it pains me to say it, Hartman actually made some poor choices, too.

Why the fuck would you keep guns in the house knowing your partner was unstable?

Crab Mentality - 2022-04-12

Andy has the luxury of getting to defend himself in regards to whatever's said about him, Mrs. Harman doesn't.

And the reason nobody gives a shit about Andy Dick is because he's yet to have shown any remorse for anything he's ever done, including providing drugs to someone who had gotten clean. I'm guessing in the roughly 800 times someone has spoken to him about maybe getting his shit together, he just immediately lashed out against that person instead. So yeah, fuck him.

Gmork - 2022-04-12

Mrs Hartman killed her husband and then herself. Of course she doesn't have the ability anymore. I guess it's not on her to reject drugs? Nobody's defending Andy.

Accidie - 2022-04-10

I lost a bet on this guy dying 15 years ago, and now I'm convinced he will outlive us all.

casualcollapse - 2022-04-10

He's in the too weird to die category

ashtar. - 2022-04-11

Kermit: "..."

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