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Comment count is 7
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-05-13

Supreme Court Justice doing videos for Praeger U? Sweet Jesus, this is IMPUNITY. When he turns his dead eyes to the camera, you know how Anita Hill must have felt.

And what kind of fresh hell is RUMBLE?

Boomer The Dog - 2022-05-14

Ha, I just saw Dennis Prager in the 2000 Mules documentary through these site.

SolRo - 2022-05-13

Must have been hard to denounce his people like that.

Nominal - 2022-05-14

It's almost a "Folly" moment when he admits it.

Crackersmack - 2022-05-14

It's very important that we respect this institution, recognize it as legitimate, and honor it's members.

TeenerTot - 2022-05-14

Normally, I'd roll my eyes and give the guy a "whatever, dumbass." But this is a supreme court justice engaging in partisan bullshit, out in the open.

The best part is there's nothing I can do about it.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-05-15

After keeping a low profile for three decades, he seems to think he's Long Dong Silver all of a sudden! How can he BAW about the leaked draft destroying confidence in SCOTUS while appearing on Praeger U?

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