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Comment count is 15
SolRo - 2022-06-01

This is some libertarian horseshit about being above laws, isn’t it?

casualcollapse - 2022-06-01


Also some stuff about personal space

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2022-06-01

I found this hilarious, cus it takes such a crazy hard turn.
beginning is like "dont be aggressive!" uhh ok... then on *a dime* it goes to "NO LAWS! NO TAXATION!! NO GOVERNMENT AAGHH!!" loool

Also why *the fuck* is it Irish themed????!?!?!

You gotta admit these libertarians have it figured out. Simply let everyone do whatever they want at all times, therefore everyone = happy = utopia. It's so simple what could possibly be wrong?

SolRo - 2022-06-01

Not everyone. Just the libertarians.

Those of us not in the gulch just have to clean up after them.

radiosquido - 2022-06-05

As I was a going over the far-famed Kerry mountains,
I met with captain Farrell and the money he was countin'.
I first produced me pistol and I then produced me rapier,
Saying, "Stand and deliver, for ye were a bold deceiver."

Great choice of tune for talking about why we don't need cops.

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2022-06-01

Don't trust libertarians around kids. For numerous reasons.

SolRo - 2022-06-01

Wonder how many members of NAMBLA are libertarians

Callamon - 2022-06-02

These characters are definitely the fursuits I would wear to lure children into my van.

casualcollapse - 2022-06-02

yall be sure to wipe this from your history

casualcollapse - 2022-06-02

This sounds remarkably similar to AN-CAP

casualcollapse - 2022-06-02

What with their non aggression pacts

Gmork - 2022-06-02

The real libtards.

ashtar. - 2022-06-02

Right. Cops bad.
Who is going to defend your property rights, guy?

SolRo - 2022-06-03

The hired private security guards. Duh!

casualcollapse - 2022-06-07

P̴̻̤̝̀͒̿ĥ̸̗̖̝̦͍͖̅̊'̴̤̜͙̬̼̆n̴̛̜͓̫̠͋ ̖̻ĝ̴̦̪l̴̨̍̈́̑͊̔u̵̡͎̒͊i̷̧̪̙̗͌͆ ̸͙̠͒́͆̈́́m̸̞̯̉̇̒͑̑̆g̶̻̣̥͛l̵͈̏̌w̷̺̎̽̑ '̷̧̮̙̫͈̈̅n̶̢͙̪̤̰̐̊̅̒͝ͅa̸̬͈͛̒̔̏͒f̸̔̕ ̥̜̥̗͗h̶̛̰̜̝͔̬̾̾ͅ ̵̠̈́̐C̴͇̲̄̐̃̓͆̇t̴̬̜̝̻͉̬̉h̷̭̓͒̔u̸͆͒̈̌ ̲̰ľ̷̢̡̛͇̩̤͓́̉͊́h̶͍͙͑̀̾̍u̷̻͚͓͖̅̔̌ ̷̢͓̖̺̆R̴̡̲͛͂̈́̏̚͝'̶̧̟̄̈͆̉̈l̶͚̲̗̩̔y̷͆ ̘͆e̶̢̧͇̼͋̿ḣ̴̰͓̀̒͌͊ ̴͇̲͕̮̯̹̓̒̾ẅ̶̪́͐̀̆͘ģ̵͖̠̀ả̴͖͓̭̌͂̎͒� �h̷̟̘͔̺̊'̷̻̝̏̍n̶̢̦͈̤̠̔̔́͆̈̍ă̴̩̽͌̐̓� �ǵ̶̡̤̙̱̥̺l̵̥̯̈́ ̶̙̭̱͚̟̅̌̈́̇̓͝ͅf̴̧̝̎ḩ̵̨̬͍̺̓̂̕͠͝͠t̸̊� �̢̩̰̪͉ã̷̜̟̬̏̀͘͝ģ̷̤̼̐͋n̸̗̙̪̖̋̓͐͒̊̚ ̭̥

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