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Comment count is 10
The Mothership - 2022-07-11

Always cool seeing cooler heads prevail, and non-psychos talking psychos back down to earth.

duck&cover - 2022-07-11

That's a civil serval.

SolRo - 2022-07-11

Pets of the uber douches

garcet71283 - 2022-07-11

Don’t see any pit bulls here

poorwill - 2022-07-11

? everyone i've ever met who's owned a serval has been pretty cool.

SolRo - 2022-07-11

Got a Doberman pincher and an exotic large cat.


Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2022-07-11

I dont even watch videos like this as I dont want to give those asshats any views.
#1 A Serval is a wild animal, and absolutely does not belong in a humans house.
#2 Anyone who gets one is supporting an industry that ultimately poaches these animals from the wild.

Kid Fenris - 2022-07-12

It's a miniature pinscher, not a doberman. Similar in appearance, but not as closely related as you might expect.

Min-pins can be obnoxious, loudmouthed little shits even when they're friendly, and I'm impressed that this one didn't bark nonstop at the sight of an unfamiliar creature.

poorwill - 2022-07-14

I know 4 separate people who own servals, and I assure you they are max chill.

cognitivedissonance - 2022-07-11

I have a Maine Coon. He's only 11 months old and is larger than my adult tabby, who completely loathes him. The Maine Coon sounds like a French horn when he meows.

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