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Comment count is 9
Lef - 2022-07-24

i should not have enjoyed this.

Meerkat - 2022-07-24

I dunno man, looks like a pretty fun game for someone else to play

TeenerTot - 2022-07-25

Same! I actually laughed. I haven't laughed in a while.


Nominal - 2022-07-24

Could have been amusing if it was shorter and tried way less hard with the Sseth/SpiffingBrit random humor.

casualcollapse - 2022-07-26

I like this guy motre than Seth but both are okay

Callamon - 2022-07-25

Robbaz has dozens of hours of this game.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2022-07-25

Check out the official site.

Quote from the site...
"I am making this game because this game needs to be made. This is not made because this is fun game, but because it is NOT!"


I do not like this game at all, its not fun imo, but yet it's still admirable. It's a unique work of art created by one eccentric guy. There is zero compromise in it.

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2022-07-25

Survive an otherwise fatal crash at the hand of a drunk driver only to fall over dead at your mailbox because you forgot to feed yourself.

This is the good shit.

Sputum - 2022-07-25

this is legitimately one of my favorite games. Moments that are relaxing, moments that make you feel truly accomplished, moments that are really really hysterical. Made me nostalgic for my days as a teenage dirtbag, and somehow nostalgic for a country I've never been to.

It has a ridiculously accurate simulation of a working car, through which I learned that I really enjoy working on mechanical stuff. I've moved on from the fake Datsun to working on real motorcycles and it rules.

Voi vittujen vittu

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