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Comment count is 5
Binro the Heretic - 2022-08-26

The rich are turning America into another member of the global South, but almost half the population is okay with it as long as persecuting LGBTQ+ people will be allowed.

SolRo - 2022-08-26

So exactly like the global south

Crackersmack - 2022-08-27

they aren't OK with it they just know that there is no alternative; voting for Democrats may secure some LGTBQ rights but you can't pay your rent with that

Binro the Heretic - 2022-08-27

Oh do fuck all the way off.

"I care about LGBTQ+ people and reproductive rights, but I care more about lower taxes and smaller government."

Yes, the Democratic party is shitty, but a vote for the GOP is a vote for assholes who want to be the White Christian version of the Taliban.

Nominal - 2022-08-27

Reminds me a lot of the "Pick up the phone!" video.

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