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Comment count is 7
Binro the Heretic - 2022-09-27

They have to release those pigeons every week because they keep returning to the rescue center.

Meerkat - 2022-09-27

For you.

Jimmy Labatt - 2022-09-27

Yep, definitely a mic drop for Binro.

Anaxagoras - 2022-09-28


Meerkat - 2022-09-27

I watch at least one "Ocean Conservation Namibia" youtube video each day to cleanse my palate of all the human bullshit going on.

decoy - 2022-09-28

Celebrating our own magnanimous "humanity" by freeing fear-shocked animals from our very own clutches. How great we are. Why haven't aliens contacted us yet? Don't they see how great we are?

Anaxagoras - 2022-09-28

If you think people watching this video are patting themselves on the back, you clearly aren't understanding what's going on.

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