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Comment count is 25
ashtar. - 2022-10-11

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanitarian_impacts_of_U.S._sanctio ns_against_Iran

People in the US announcing their support for protests in Iran is sort of equivalent in effect to Russians or North Koreans announcing their support for protests in America.

Cena_mark - 2022-10-11

No, not really the same. Nice try.

ashtar. - 2022-10-11

The major difference is that Russia and the DPRK have done little real harm to US citizens. On the other hand, our sanctions make Iran like 30% poorer and everyday life more difficult, we overthrew their elected government and installed a dictator, and we straight up criminally murdered a high ranking military officer and national hero in 2020. They have good reasons to hate us, and the US publicly showing support for these protests is harmful to the protests.

Cena_mark - 2022-10-11

You're just upset that these protests could cost Russia one of their few allies.

SolRo - 2022-10-11

I think china should try supporting trumpers in overthrowing the “fake government installed by a rigged election”.

Maybe start sending military grade weapons to the “brave resistance fighters struggling for real democracy”.

And obviously harsh sanctions for invading multiple counties, helping Israel annex stolen land and supplying weapons to terrorist groups worldwide.

HarrietTubmanPI - 2022-10-12

"The major difference is that Russia and the DPRK have done little real harm to US citizens."

So what do we do about the very real harm they are doing to their own citizens?

Do we just look the other way?

Do we write a strongly worded letter?

What would you have the US do?

Crackersmack - 2022-10-12

lol imagine thinking that an American has any moral standing to say anything about the conditions that Russian or Chinese citizens are supposedly kept in, imagine being so blind to the fucking horrific state of this country and thinking that you have anything useful to offer a Russian or Chinese person

Cena_mark - 2022-10-12

I get that the overturning of Roe was pretty shitty, but I think the USA is still a bit ahead of Iran when it comes to women's rights.

Cena_mark - 2022-10-12

While the USA may be the incarceration capital of the world, our people have freedom of expression, which is totally illegal in China and Russia. The only crime in the USA is being poor.

Crackersmack - 2022-10-12

Chinese people don't have "freedom of expression" (whatever that is) but they do have a right to housing. I'd make that trade.

decoy - 2022-10-13

"...equivalent in effect to Russians or North Koreans announcing their support for protests in America."

If it'd have any effect they would and, perhaps, in Bizarro Universe, they are. But in our universe it's a one way street because espousing democracy among oppressed peoples makes empirical gains, whereas promoting oppressive, demagogic kleptocracy in any context is not only highly impractical but also insane.

SolRo - 2022-10-13

Well decoy it sounds like Americans only ever support “the good guys” and have the unique ability on this planet to both know who the real good guys or bad guys are and know that whatever regime change their spy agencies foment not only always leads to good outcomes but is done out of pure altruistic self-sacrifice.

Thank goodness America is there to lead the world with its righteous morality.

SolRo - 2022-10-13

I mean for example democracy has done nothing but good in Iraq.

Soon as we liberated them from the evil oppressive kleptocratic regime the three major ethnic and religious factions of the country just put aside decades of grievances and embraced American Freedom(TM).

ashtar. - 2022-10-13

2 million empirical gains in Vietnam, 185,000–208,000 in Iraq, 387,000+ in Afghanistan. But hey, I'm sure This Time It Will Be Different.

ashtar. - 2022-10-13

"promoting oppressive, demagogic kleptocracy in any context is not only highly impractical but also insane"

America is the world champ in supporting oppressive, demagogic kleptocracy. That's generally the people we put in power when we do regime change. I mean, look at the Shah of Iran.

Crackersmack - 2022-10-14

Well at least we aren't like those incredibly evil, sovereign nation-invading Russians and the dictator Putin. We're a sensible country with a functional government that citizens have control over.

HarrietTubmanPI - 2022-10-15

It doesn't look like anyone has really answered the question yet.

What do you want the US to do?

SolRo - 2022-10-15

Don’t do anything.

Every time you do “something” you kill tens of thousands of people either with violence or sanctions-induced famine.

The whole world doesn’t have to run the way you Americans decree it should.

decoy - 2022-10-17

"The whole world doesn’t have to run the way you Americans decree it should."

No serious person would claim that America runs the world, or that any nation could; just as it's impossible to assert that had America stayed isolationist back in the late 30s the world would somehow be a better place for it. Or that had the USSR been left to its own devices it would've produced a better result than the fall of the Berlin Wall. Such is the case in Ukraine. If America stays out of it, tyranny triumphs.

SolRo - 2022-10-17

So fucking high on the jingo you can only remember WW2 propaganda and call anyone not American a tyrant.

ashtar. - 2022-10-17

Yeah, we had to overthrow all those elected governments and install dictators because otherwise tyranny would have won. hugebrain.jpg

ashtar. - 2022-10-17

Seriously, read this very basic history:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat< br />
and get back to me.

The founding fathers were real fucking lucky that America wasn't around when they were starting America, or America would have stepped in and put a stop to all that America shit real fast.

HarrietTubmanPI - 2022-10-12

"The major difference is that Russia and the DPRK have done little real harm to US citizens."

So what do we do about the very real harm they are doing to their own citizens?

Do we just look the other way?

Do we write a strongly worded letter?

What would you have the US do?

HarrietTubmanPI - 2022-10-12

Oops meant as a reply

SolRo - 2022-10-12

America seems to have a very selective attention about human suffering that it needs to “fix” via regime change and sanctions, often making the situation for those populations significantly worse in the process.

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