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badideasinaction - 2022-10-31

I started watching Rob Zombie's Halloween because it was on some streaming service I had. After about ten minutes of the kid being screamed at or assaulted by everyone I decided it wasn't for me and turned it off.

Did I do movie watching wrong there or should I have dedicated hours of my life making a video about it?

Old_Zircon - 2022-10-31

I don't know, I've never seen anything he did. As per my comment on the video, he had a good 7" in the 80s.


Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2022-11-01

@Old_Zircon He did porn in the 80's ?

Cena_mark - 2022-11-01

Zombie completely missed the point of Michael Myers. Originally he was just inexplicably cold and evil. He murdered people for no reason all. It's scary because there's no explaining his deeds. Zombie takes that pure malevolence and just turns it into some guy being a dick because he had a shitty childhood.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-11-05

No, I thought it was like that, but he's killing animals right off the bat, and he's not abused that much. When people are mean to him, he kills them, and he does it pretty quick. He's more complex, no less of a mystery.

If I was rebooting Halloween, I would use the original captain Kirk mask, and cast William Shatner as Loomis.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-11-01

Speaking of the savage, unforgettable crimes of Michael Myers, did I ever mention that my favorite book as a child was THE CAT IN THE HAT? And yet, somehow I found the strength to carry on from that movie, though I've read that Dakota Fanning never quite recovered.

Suck it up, buttercup.

Nominal - 2022-11-03

The Star Wars prequels did far more damage to fiction than simple its own franchise. They marked the beginning of the obsessive prequel trend where EVERY goddamn facet had to have a reference and backstory, and every villain had to have some clumsy attempt at tragic sympathy origin story that never needed to be told.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-11-05

A lot of people who hate the movie bailed early like I did, but I ended up watching it yesterday because the spirit of Pezuzu had written itself into the Tubi algorithm, and it just popped up on in the autoplay at the exact moment that I was discussing it on Reddit.

It's much better than I thought. HAIL PEZUZU!

Id forgotten that Unlike Darth Vader, Michael Myers killed some motherfuckers as a child. So there's that.

Also, though he's more complex than the original, he's no less of a mystery.
Halloween 79 was never meant to set up a sequel. Carpenter didn't want to do Halloween II. He tried to derail the franchise with Halloween 3. As iconic as MM is, as a monster, he's got a limited range. A reboot shows more integrity than a sequel?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-11-05


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