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Comment count is 6
The Mothership - 2022-11-17


HarrietTubmanPI - 2022-11-17

Totoro was in the 80s. 1988.

jfcaron_ca - 2022-11-17

As he pointed out in the video, it wasn't released in the US until the 90s when he (& his presumed audience) would have seen it, so he subjectively counts it as legit.

Simillion - 2022-11-17

I liked his video, but I sincerely hate how his shadowy profile looks exactly like Trump's.

casualcollapse - 2022-11-19

Plus five ghost bus stars

Sludge Vohaul - 2022-11-20

Somebody somewhere is sad that despite 42 releases none of the Bang Bus movies made the top 10.

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