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Comment count is 3
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-11-29

You should trust your reaction to the trailer. If a lurid melodrama with lots of implied sexual tension between one of those creepy blonde Italian horror kids , and a grown-ass woman seems like something you'd want to avoid, by all means, trust your instincts. To those who are intrigued, the film does not disappoint, although, if there's a peeper in this story, I must have missed it.

The ending is dark, lurid, ironic disturbing, and ridiculous. The ending, in other words, is perfection.


Boomer The Dog - 2022-11-30

Warning, German Shepherd Dog is possibly murdered, unless that's a fur coat in the pool.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-11-30

Ugh. When you think about it, a fur coat is also a dead animal, slightly more processed. When you think about it more, it's SEVERAL dead animals.

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