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Comment count is 4
glasseye - 2023-01-22

The whole channel is a lot of fun. It's a bit, but it's a great one.

yogarfield - 2023-01-23

We're going to ignore that it's a complaint imbibery video, but he buys bottled water?

It reeks of view-begging, but I still had fun.

Jeriko-1 - 2023-01-23

Eh, it's not THAT bad. It's not good either. I can best describe it like somebody soaked a bunch of edible flowers in grapefruit juice. There is a sadomasochistic thing where you get that 'jaw spasm' like with grapefruit. Part of your brain hates it but a tiny part wants more. George Carlin talked about this phenomenon in one of his routines.

glasseye - 2023-01-23

I like bitter things. The intense bitterness of malort doesn't bother me, but the "cheap booze" / rubbing alcohol finish really hurts it.

Most people I know that have tried it just hate the bitterness.

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