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Comment count is 5
SolRo - 2023-01-31

Might as well learn these if you want to start your own cult/army in the post apocalypse.

HarrietTubmanPI - 2023-01-31

This looks super old school. I'm sure a modern plant would have a lot of automation steps controlled by computer so that this wouldn't have to be done manually.

SolRo - 2023-01-31

How many modern hydro power plants exist in America?

casualcollapse - 2023-01-31

LCRA represent here in Texas

glasseye - 2023-02-01

I had to take a power engineering class in undergrad as part of my EE degree. In one of the labs, we generated power with a motor driven from the university grid, coupled that to a generator, and plugged our power into the city grid.

We manually synchronized them, and even if you had it what looked like totally perfect, there was still a very loud THUMP as the city grid forced our generator into sync.

All of the labs in that class were terrifying, haha.

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