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Comment count is 19
Crackersmack - 2023-02-24

Hey what really matters is that the rail companies continue to make maximum profits for their shareholders. That's why Democrats had to unify to break the railworkers strike a few months ago.

Not only were those greedy workers demanding a raise, they were asking for stricter regulations wrt hazardous material handling. The upgraded brakes for these bomb trains would have cost the industry $3 billion! That would have cut into the $200 billion that the industry spent on stock buybacks in 2022! Of course no self-respecting Democrat would be OK with that.

Also, keep in mind that it's homophobic to ask why the Biden administration and Mayo Pete won't reinstate the Obama-era hazardous material regulations (later removed by Trump) that could have prevented this.

yogarfield - 2023-02-24

It's weird that you think any criticism of "Mayo Pete" is homophobic and not legitimate.

It's a totally insincere premise given that what you thought might be your final words to this site were:

"if this is the last day of PoE I just want to say that you are all a bunch of fags" - Crackersmack

You're a pathetic hypocrite, and you can miss me until you post proof of you sailing around the coast of SA.

Post OC or walk the plank. We only have one pp around these parts and he's earned his keep.

Spike Jonez - 2023-02-24

I guess it's just the trans(portation) agenda brainwashing those confused (fully adult) kids!

Crackersmack - 2023-02-24

I'm glad that my fan club showed up to the thread! Now that you've revealed my inherent hypocrisy wrt you all being fags I guess I am officially defeated.

The idea that criticising Mayo Pete is homophobic isn't mine dumbass, it's the response that numerous liberal pundits have made to criticism of Mayo Pete over this and other recent fuckups. Try to keep up.

yogarfield - 2023-02-24

I haven't seen that anywhere, but I guess I consume responsible media that isn't about outrage politics.

If you somehow conflate getting called out for your hypocrisy with having a fan club, you probably also don't realize what this site is for and that you're a fucking exhibit.

I'll say it slowly: We're here to heckle freaks, and you're not going through the proper channels.

Upload some OC, and insult us while you sail the high seas. That would actually be entertaining.

teethsalad - 2023-02-24

Oh hey the homophobic guy who clearly has a personality disorder who makes toys for rich dickheads has an opinion on how everyone but him is corrupt

let's all hear him out and take him seriously

yogarfield - 2023-02-24

@teeth I absolutely don't, I barely read his drivel. Now if he'd make some hate videos, that would be prime content that would fly through the hopper.

Ships or GTFO

Crackersmack - 2023-02-25

Yes I make sophisticated fiberglass molds for some really amazing custom boats.

Honeywell, Lockmart, etc. also have major manufacturing facilities in the Tampa Bay area and I could just as easily get a job with them making missile or fighter jet parts, almost certainly for more money.

yogarfield - 2023-02-25

Yawn, ships or GTFO

teethsalad - 2023-02-25

oh yeah, sure, whatever you say, and i could go play for the harlem globetrotters if i felt like it

SolRo - 2023-02-26

Working for the MIC isn’t the NBA. It’s a little more money for dealing with a lot of security clearance bullshit.

teethsalad - 2023-02-27

point missed entirely but thanks for chiming in tovarisch

SolRo - 2023-02-27

I’m sorry you’re a useless little worm that can’t understand how I’m calling both of you idiots.

Crackersmack - 2023-02-27

Mostly I don't want to take a piss test because the FL medical weed is fire. Also boats are cool.

Crab Mentality - 2023-02-27

The most important question is, "Why hasn't Crackersmack rushed to the scene, and started drinking random chemicals out of a puddle?"


yogarfield - 2023-02-28

Pssht, I'm going to out-sea you until you provide an answer to the most important question: "Why hasn't Crackermacked posted OC of him sailing the high seas while calling out his haters?"

Honestly, just post a no-face video of you tying a clean cleat while screaming our names and I'll believe you. I've even settle for some lazy hands at helm.

My inner 16-year-old sea-bouncer asks:

"Have you ever made cut bait on a 22 while bouncing on a solo bow anchor in Apalachicola Bay?"

"Did you ditch a bay run behind Dauphin Island because you had to FT when Ivan was starting to toss spouts?"

Post some proof. I fucking earned sealegs as a child, and you sound fucking fake. At best you're a factory man trying to sell himself as some Cowboy Ahab.

duck&cover - 2023-02-24

Diarrhea, choo, choo, choo!

Binro the Heretic - 2023-02-24

Why can't we sue the railroad executives directly?

SolRo - 2023-02-25

It’s amusing how Americans don’t realize they live in a 3rd world country if they’re under a certain wealth demographic.

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